xliii. the truth

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The chatter in the dining hall was loud when Evangeline entered. She glanced around the hall in search of a familiar face. The first person she saw was Lavender, who was glaring murderously at her. Evangeline rolled her eyes before looking away. Her eyes traveled down the Slytherin table until she spotted her sister.

She made her way to where Vivian was sat, bypassing the Gryffindor table. Ron watched her walk past, his eyes not leaving her form even when she sat down across from her sister. Harry looked to where Ron was looking before turning back to his friend. "You two still haven't talked?" He asked.

Ron shook his head. "I can't help but think that she's upset with me," he replied, looking down at the table.

"She's not. She just needs a little more time to process everything, that's all," Hermione said.

"What's there to process? She knows the truth and they should be back together by now," Harry said. Hermione kicked his leg under the table and he yelped.

"Girls don't think the same way that boys do. We actually use our brains to think," Hermione said.

"So, how are you?" Vivian asked.

Evangeline narrowed her eyes, "Did you take the letters that Ronald sent me?"

Vivian's eyes widened. "W-what? No," she answered.

"You're lying," Evangeline said.

Vivian sighed, "Okay, okay. I did. One came a week before Christmas and and I got it before you could see it and I threw it away because I was afraid of what it said. The other one came before the Death Eaters arrived."

"And what did you do with that one?" Evangeline asked.

"Threw it away as well," Vivian answered. She gave Evangeline a sheepish smile and Evangeline glared. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get your hopes up and then be disappointed or something," Vivian said.

"If you had given me the first letter, I would've found out that Lavender was feeding a love potion to Ron," Evangeline pointed out.

"Oops?" Vivian said. Evangeline rolled her eyes. "I'm really sorry. But look on the bright side, now you know," Vivian added. Evangeline looked her up and down and Vivian sent her a sheepish smile. "Have you guys talked yet?" Vivian asked.

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