xxxi. sisterly intuition

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Evangeline had spotted Vivian before Vivian had seen her. The younger girl threw herself onto her sister's back. Vivian didn't even flinch, already having sensed the girl sneaking up behind her. "Hi, Evangeline," Vivian said. Evangeline slid off of Vivian's back and the older girl turned to her.

"How'd you know it was me?" Evangeline asked. Vivian shrugged, "Sisterly intuition." Evangeline rolled her eyes before pulling her sister into a hug. The embrace was brief and the girls began walking down the platform to the train. "Where's lover boy?" Vivian questioned her sister. Evangeline rolled her eyes again, "Ronald is finding a cabin for us on the train."

"You still call him Ronald?" Vivian asked and Evangeline nodded. "Why?" Vivian asked next. "I like calling him Ronald," Evangeline defended. Vivian nodded her head as the two entered the train. "How was Italy?" Evangeline asked. Vivian sighed contently, "Amazing. I didn't ever want to leave." Evangeline nodded, containing an eye roll. It couldn't have been that great. Vivian looked around the train. "So, I'm gonna sit with my friends today. You cool with that?" She said.

Evangeline furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Vivian shrugged, "I don't know. I mean, we always sit together on the train. I thought you'd be upset that I was breaking tradition." Evangeline shrugged her shoulders, "It's not a tradition. And if you wanna sit with your friends then that's fine. You no longer need to sit with me out of pity."

"Hey, I sat with you because I wanted to. I happen to enjoy your company. I just figured that now you'd rather spend time with your boyfriend," Vivian said. "I spent a lot of time with him these last few weeks," Evangeline said. Vivian wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and Evangeline hit her arm. "We didn't do that," she said. "Good. Because Remus would kill you if he found out and I have a feeling that he would find a way to find out," Vivian said.

Evangeline rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. "Keep doing that and they'll get stuck," Vivian commented. Evangeline pushed her forward, "Go to your friends and stop bugging me." Vivian held up her hands to her chest, forming a heart before walking to the back of the train and to the Slytherin compartments. Evangeline began walking down the train, her eyes looking into every cabin until she found the one where Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Cleo were in.

She opened the cabin door and slipped inside, closing the door behind her and taking a seat beside Cleo. "You sure took your time," the girl said. Evangeline shrugged, "I was talking to Vivian." Harry looked up and around. "Where is Vivian?" He asked. "With her Slytherin friends. She wanted to sit with them today. Probably to gush about how amazing Italy was," Evangeline answered, almost rolling her eyes again.

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