xxv. happiness

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It was Evangeline Caspian's sixth birthday. Her parents had thrown her a little party with all of her friends. Her aunt, uncle, and cousins hadn't been invited though, something she didn't quite understand. However, she had been having a blast, laughing with her friends and her sister. The party was now over though and she had just opened her birthday gifts. There wasn't much and she hadn't wanted any to begin with.

But some of her friends had gotten her things. Things that a child, much like herself, would enjoy. Her favorite gift of all, however, hadn't been from one of her friends. It had been from her parents, a beautiful locket with a picture of her and her family. She absolutely adored the locket, one, because her sister had gotten something similar on her own sixth birthday and Evangeline was happy that the girls could match now and two, because she liked flipping the locket opened and closed (it was fun).

She happily walked around the manor, enjoying the peace and quiet. When she walked past her father's study, she stopped, hearing voices inside. "Did you do it then? Give her the amulet, I mean?" A male voice questioned. "Of course we did," her father had replied. "And you made sure that it was enchanted with protection spells?" The voice asked again.

Evangeline peered into the room through the cracked open door. "Yes, and blessed and charmed it with a mother and father's love. We did everything that you said, Remus. Just like with Vivian," her mother replied. The man, Remus, sighed audibly. "I'm just making sure that you've taken the proper precautions," he said.

"Of course we've taken the proper precautions. These are our children, Remus. And they're in danger because of us," her mother said. Evangeline could tell that the woman was growing upset. "It's not your fault. You two didn't choose the families you were born into," Remus said, patting Eliana's shoulder. "And you didn't choose to know what you know," he said, his eyes peering into her own. Evangeline's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what he meant. It was quiet in the room for a moment. Evangeline tried to see inside better.

"What's our next step?" Nathaniel questioned. "Pay attention to the gossip. Keep an eye and ear out for Death Eaters and protect your girls," Remus said. "We shouldn't be doing this. The Dark Lord is long gone. What I saw, it might not be true," Eliana said. "Surely you don't truly believe that," Remus said. "He'll be back, Eliana. I can feel it. And when he returns, they'll come after us and our children. We must be prepared," Nathaniel said.

He turned back to Remus and sighed. "If anything happens to us—" Remus cut him off. "I know what to do. But nothing is going to happen to you." Nathaniel pursed his lips. "You'll need the will. I've hidden it somewhere safe. Somewhere that they can't find it. But you'll have to find it, Remus. And quick. I'll write you a letter, when I know for sure that they're coming. As a warning," Eliana said. "Just tell me where it is," he replied. "She can't, they might be listening," Nathaniel said.

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