xxxix. home again

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Christmas break had finally come and Evangeline couldn't be happier. She was excited to see Remus and Tonks again. She and Vivian sat in a cabin with Hermione. The three were discussing what their plans were for the break. Cleo was sat in a different cabin with Harry and Ron. The girl had planned on figuring out what was going on with the redheaded boy. Evangeline wanted no part in it.

It wasn't long after the train was in motion that Evangeline had gotten up to use the bathroom. She made her way through the train to where the bathroom was. She made it to the bathroom and not too long after, she was done. Evangeline made her way down the train and back to her cabin. She stopped at a cabin when she saw the glass was fogged.

As she looked closer, she noticed that in the fog was a heart. Inside the heart was 'R+L'. Evangeline looked up and into the cabin, seeing Harry, Cleo, and Ron all looking at her. Her eyes met Ron's and she briefly stared at him. She looked back at the heart and rolled her eyes, continuing on her way back to her cabin.


The Caspian sisters made it back home with Remus and Tonks. The two were now engaged and Evangeline was over the moon. The sisters decided that they wanted to do something big for them as a sort of congratulations gift. Neither adult wanted it though, so Vivian and Evangeline settled on cooking them dinner. But the problem with that was that cooking wasn't either of the girl's specialty.

And when the girls were almost successful in burning the house down, Remus and Tonks decided to take over. They were now sat around the table, eating dinner. Now that they were all comfortable, Evangeline had become immersed in her thoughts. "So, how's school going? Preparing for you N.E.W.T.s yet, Evangeline?" Remus asked. The girl shrugged, picking at her food. Remus and Nymphadora looked at one another, the woman slightly concerned.

"School's great," Vivian decided to answer. "Evangeline was telling me that she would register for the Apparition class next term, isn't that right, Evangeline?" She continued. "Yeah," Evangeline replied. "You'll need money for that won't you? How much is it now?" Nymphadora asked, looking over at Remus. "Uh, I believe it's twelve galleons," he replied. The three looked at Evangeline who was now taking a bite of her food.

"Angi, what's wrong?" Nymphadora asked. Evangeline looked up at her and shook her head. "Nothing. Sorry, I was just thinking," she mumbled. "Hopefully not about that Weasley," Remus said distastefully. Nymphadora immediately sent a smack to his abdomen and he grunted. She scowled at him, shaking her head. She then turned back to Evangeline, a sympathetic look in her eyes.

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