xvii. holiday cheer

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Evangeline was sat in an empty cabin on the train, waiting for her sister to arrive. She was wringing her hands together, her thoughts all over the place. Arthur Weasley, Ron's father, had been attacked at the Ministry. Somehow Harry had witnessed the attack in a dream. The Weasley children had gone home early to be with him, Harry going as well.

She felt an unusual sense of worry for the man. She didn't know him but he was the father of her friends and from what Ron had told her, a good man. She just hoped that he was okay. Vivian and Cleo entered the cabin, placing their things away and taking seats. Hermione came in later with Neville in tow.

The two sat down and a few minutes later, the train was in motion. Vivian had decided to take a nap, the first semester having taken a toll on the older girl, who had been taking multiple N.E.W.T. level classes. The cabin remained silent for a little while longer before Hermione broke it. "Mr. Weasley is going to be okay," she said. Evangeline looked at her as she continued. "I'm going to visit the Weasleys this holiday. See how he's doing."

Evangeline found herself nodding. Cleo smiled, "Send him my regards." Hermione nodded her head before looking to Evangeline. "I'll write to you, let you know how he's doing," she said. She knew that her friend had been worrying and wanted to ease those worries. Evangeline smiled, "Okay. Tell him that I wish him a quick recovery." Hermione nodded again, "I'll make sure Ron writes you too. And Harry. Just to see how your holiday is going and what not."

Evangeline nodded, remaining silent. The rest of the train ride was silent and Evangeline became immersed in her thoughts.


The Caspian Manor truly was a sight. Christmas decorations were strung up all over the place, something that was uncommon. There would usually only be a few wreaths in certain places and a Christmas tree. However this year, Matilda Luther decided to go all out. The last time that Evangeline saw her house look this way was the last Christmas that she spent with her parents.

Both Caspian girls as well as the Luther children were surprised by the extravagant decorations. While the twins had questioned their parents about it, Evangeline and Vivian went to their respective rooms after greeting their aunt and uncle. Evangeline dropped her bags on the ground and walked to her bed, flopping faced down onto it.

She stayed there for a while, too exhausted to move before finally getting up and going to sit at her desk. As day quickly turned to night, Evangeline found herself scribbling in her small notebook, still trying to jog her memory. She was still drawing a blank, nothing significant coming to mind. A bang on the window made Evangeline jump.

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