xliv. laying it all out

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Evangeline's mind had remained on the conversation she and Vivian had with Remus. She was still struggling to wrap her head around all of the information that he had relayed to the sisters. Especially everything related to her mother. Evangeline was still having trouble processing the fact that Eliana Caspian would sometimes have visions of the future.

She and Vivian had numerous conversations about it. However Vivian didn't seem as freaked out as Evangeline. Then again, she was always more level headed than the younger girl.

Evangeline was currently sat in her Apparition lesson, her head resting in her hand. Although, she couldn't be bothered with what Professor Twycross was saying. She had been spacing out in a lot of her classes lately, something she hardly ever did. But these days, she couldn't concentrate on the lessons being taught. Her grades were beginning to slip and she couldn't be bothered to care. In all honesty, she didn't even really notice.

Her friends, however, did notice. They voiced their concerns on numerous occasions, all of which ended with Evangeline assuring them that she was fine. None of them believed her though. Ron was the most worried. He kept trying to speak to her about what was going on with her, but she always found some excuse to get herself out of the conversation. It was evident to him that she was avoiding him. However, he didn't give up, his concern for her too great.

Evangeline sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time. Cleo, who had been sitting next to her, turned to face the girl as another sigh emitted from her lips. Evangeline didn't look at the girl when she felt her eyes on her. Instead, she opted to face Professor Twycross and she tried to focus on what he was saying.

Cleo looked over at Harry, eyeing him until he looked over at her. The girl tilted her head towards Evangeline. Harry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he mouthed a "What?" Cleo sighed and gestured to Evangeline again. Harry was still confused and she rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning to Evangeline.

"Big test coming up. You think you can successfully apparate?" Cleo spoke in an attempt to have a conversation with the girl. Either Evangeline didn't hear her or she was ignoring her. Cleo wasn't sure which one it was. She sighed again and tapped on the girl's arm. Evangeline's eyes flickered to the girl next to her and she raised her eyebrows in question.

"Did you hear what I said?" Cleo asked.

Evangeline shook her head no. "I'm trying to focus on the lesson," she answered and Cleo scoffed.

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