viii. detention with umbridge

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"You got detention? Little miss 'never gets in trouble' got detention? Oh, this is rich." Evangeline sent Vivian a glare as the older girl laughed loudly. "It's not funny," she snapped. This only made Vivian laugh harder. "Stop laughing," Evangeline groaned.

Vivian's laughter died down. The two girls were walking down the hallway. Their last classes had just ended and Evangeline was walking her sister to the Slytherin common room in the dungeon. "It wasn't even my fault," Evangeline muttered. "Then whose fault was it then?" Vivian asked. Evangeline sighed, "Stupid Professor Vector and that dimwit Ronald Weasley."

Vivian laughed again and Evangeline rolled her eyes. "If Professor Vector hadn't have been so difficult and if Weasley hadn't have bumped into me, I would've been in class on time," Evangeline explained. "And if you hadn't have tried to pick a fight with your teacher, you never would've been late in the first place," Vivian countered. "She graded my essay unfairly. I just wanted her to give it another read but this time with a more open mind," the younger girl said.

"It's Professor Vector, I don't think her mind can be more open," Vivian pointed out and Evangeline sighed. "It's not fair," she complained, "I was barely even late. Detention is so unnecessary." Vivian only shrugged her shoulders. The two stopped in front of the entrance to the dungeons. "You should get to detention," the older girl said and Evangeline nodded. The two parted ways.

Evangeline made her way out of the dungeons and toward Umbridge's office. With every step she took, she became more irritated. She was in no mood to sit through a detention with a woman she despised.

When she was stood in front of the woman's office, she waited a while. After taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door was opened and Professor Umbridge was stood in front of Evangeline. She sent the girl a fake smile and stepped to the side. "Come in, Miss Caspian." Evangeline walked past the woman and entered the office.

She practically gagged at the site of it. The entire office was pink. There were circular picture frames on the walls that had cats in them. The meowing of the animals would annoy her, she could already tell. Evangeline walked further into the room went to sit at a small desk with a piece of parchment and a quill laid on it.

She dropped her backpack onto the floor and looked to Umbridge, her eyebrows raising expectantly. "You seem very eager," the woman noted. "I'm not eager, I just want to get this detention over with. I have a lot of homework to do," Evangeline said. Umbridge giggled the same annoying high pitched giggle that Evangeline hated. She walked around her desk and sat down.

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