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When Evangeline awoke the next morning, it was because Hermione was roughly shaking her awake. She opened her eyes and squinted up at her friend. "What?" She grumbled, pulling her blanket over her head.

Hermione yanked it off. "Get up, take a shower, and get dressed," she commanded.

Evangeline groaned and looked at her again. "Why?" She mumbled.

Hermione bit her lip and looked away. It was then that Evangeline saw the worry in her eyes. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" She asked.

Hermione nodded, "It's Ron. He's in the hospital wing." Evangeline froze, allowing Hermione's words to sink in. Ron. In the hospital wing. She looked up at Hermione again and sat up in her bed.

"Ronald's in the hospital wing?" She questioned for clarification. Hermione nodded again. "What happened?" Evangeline asked next.

"He was poisoned. I don't know all of the details. Come on, we have to go see him," Hermione answered before grabbing Evangeline's arms and pulling her out of bed. Evangeline went to her closet and grabbed her uniform before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

She tried to pretend like she didn't care. Like the fact that Ron was in the hospital wing didn't bother her. But it did bother her and she did care. She still cared and something told her that she would always care.

Her worry caused her shower to be a quick one. She had to see him. She needed to know that he was okay. Once Evangeline had gotten ready, the two girls had made their way to the hospital wing in the castle. Whilst Hermione walked straight in once they got there, Evangeline froze by the door. She could see him from where she stood. For some reason, the sight of him laid up like that made her want to cry.

Maybe this was how he felt last year when she had almost died. She quickly decided that she hated the feeling.

Evangeline slowly walked into the room. Harry took one look at her and rushed over to where she was. He gripped her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. "He's okay. He's gonna be okay," he assured. He could see it in her eyes. The sadness. The worry. He just wanted her to know that Ron was okay. He knew that she still cared, despite what she said.

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