iii. hogwarts express

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"If I miss the train because of you people I will go ballistic," Gemma said as she scurried along platform 9 3/4. Evangeline rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day as she struggled to catch up with the girl. They were late. Boy were they late. In the last four years that she traveled on the Hogwarts Express, Evangeline Caspian had never arrived late.

She always made sure to get to King's Cross Station at least twenty minutes before the train left at eleven. Today, however, she was rushing to make it to the train on time. And it was all Barry's fault. He just had to stay up late the night before, refusing to wake up this morning. Evangeline looked down at the watch that clung to her left wrist. Four minutes.

They had four minutes to get onto the train before it left the station. Evangeline picked up her pace. Her aunt and uncle were not there, claiming that they had important matters to attend to. Evangeline wasn't surprised though, especially with everything going on. The red train came into view and she almost sighed in relief.

Gemma was the first one on, followed by Barry, then Evangeline, and Vivian came in last. The twins immediately went to the back of the train where the Slytherin compartments were. Evangeline and Vivian, however, went to the Gryffindor compartments. Vivian always sat with Evangeline when they made the journey to Hogwarts. And because the younger girl found the Slytherin compartments small and uncomfortable, Vivian stayed in the Gryffindor compartments with her.

Finding an empty cabin was easier than expected. They usually filled up very quickly. Evangeline slid into the box, placing her trunk and bags in the carrier above her. She sat down in one of the seats and let out a sigh. "That was far too close. We almost missed the train," she said. Vivian sat across from her. "Don't be dramatic. We were gonna make it," Vivian breathed. "No, we had four minutes to get to the train. We almost missed it," Evangeline replied.

"I don't think we would've missed it," Vivian said with a shrug. Evangeline pursed her lips and stared at her sister who had already pulled out a book and began reading. The door to the cabin slid open causing the two girls to look up. Almost immediately, Evangeline caught sight of bright red hair and she frowned. Ronald Weasley stood awkwardly in the doorway of the cabin. Vivian offered him a kind smile.

"Are you lost?" Evangeline questioned rather rudely. Vivian sent her a look. A light blush began to form on his cheeks and quickly spread to his ears. "Uh, there aren't any other empty cabins," he said. Evangeline's eyes narrowed, "This one isn't empty." Ronald cleared his throat before awkwardly shifting on his feet. "I know, but this one's nearly empty and my uh, friends and I need somewhere to sit," he said.

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