v. back to school blues

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It was only the first day of school and Evangeline was already fed up. She was awoken extremely early by one Hermione Granger. The girl had been waking up earlier than necessary for the past four years, accidentally waking up her roommates in the process. You would think that Evangeline would be used to it, or that Hermione would have learned to be quieter in the morning.

Evangeline trudged through the castle as she made her way to her Defense Against The Dark Arts class. This was the only class that she was always excited to attend. However today, she was too tired to be excited. The feeling of a person ramming into her shoulder jolted her more awake. Her eyes immediately narrowed into a glare as she turned to see who had bumped into her.

Her eyes landed on one of the Weasley twins, the other nowhere in sight. "Watch where you're going," she snarled. "Calm down, it was an accident," he replied, an annoying smile on his face. "Yeah, no need to get your knickers in a twist," a voice said from behind her. She turned her head to see the other Weasley twin beginning to walk toward them.

"Well are you going to apologize?" She asked him and he shrugged. "I could," he began. "But he wouldn't mean it," the other one finished for him. Evangeline rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She turned back around and began walking to her class. "That's it? No snappy retort?" One of them called. "No dashing insult?" The other asked. She ignored their calls and continued on her way.

"Aw, you're no fun," one of them shouted. Evangeline entered the classroom and looked around. There were students all over, talking and laughing. She saw Barry goofing off with his friends and Gemma looking irritated as one of her friends babbled to her about some nonsense. Evangeline scanned the classroom for an empty seat and found one in the back. She quickly made her way to it and sat down in the chair. The chatter in the classroom grew louder and Evangeline sighed in annoyance, plugging her ears.

The chair next to her was pulled out and someone sat down. Evangeline didn't bother to look and see who it was because she honestly didn't care. "What? No hello?" She heard from next to her. Evangeline recognized the voice and rolled her eyes. "Is there a reason that you're sitting next to me?" She asked. "There are no other seats," he said. Evangeline looked around the room and saw multiple empty seats still available.

"You're a liar, Malfoy," she said. Draco smirked, "Maybe I just wanted to sit next to you." She still didn't look at him. "So that you can bug my life," she stated rather than asked. "You make it so easy to do," he answered. She finally turned to face him a glare settled on her features. "You are the epitome of irritating, did you know that?" She asked. "You're not still mad about last year are you?" He questioned, eyebrows raised.

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