vi. benefits of friends

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The next morning, Evangeline was sat at a table in the dining hall. Her sister was sat across from her, giving her a lecture about the benefits of being kind to people. She had somehow found out about what she had said the night before in the common room. Vivian always found things out. Evangeline was convinced that she had a spy in the Gryffindor house, relaying messages to her on everything that she did. It wouldn't surprise her if that were the case.

Evangeline was only half listening to her sister's words, most of her attention on her breakfast. She stuck her fork into a piece of sausage and put it in her mouth, taking a bite of it and placing her fork back on her plate. "Are you even listening to me?" Vivian asked. Evangeline looked up at her. "No," she answered. "At least you're honest," the older girl muttered before sighing.

"Look Ang, I don't know why you're such a bitch to everyone that you come into contact with but, it needs to stop," Vivian said. Evangeline scoffed, "So what, you think you're the boss of me now?" Vivian sighed again. "If you continue to be a mean hag, you're never gonna make any friends," she began. "If I really wanted friends, I would make an effort to make some," Evangeline said. Vivian ignored her.

"And you'll never get a boyfriend, or girlfriend, whichever you prefer, and you'll be alone forever," she concluded. "None of what you're saying sounds like an issue to me. I like being alone," the younger girl said. It was Vivian's turn to scoff. "No matter how many times you tell me that, you're never gonna convince me that what you're saying is true," she said. Evangeline shrugged indifferently.

"I mean sure, being by yourself can be great. It gives you time to think or do whatever you need to do. But being alone, really truly alone, terrifies even me. And you know me, I'm not easily scared," Vivian said. She stared at her younger sister with such an intensity that Evangeline looked away, growing uncomfortable under her gaze. "See, I'm right and you know I'm right. Admit it," Vivian said.

Evangeline would do no such thing. She was nothing if not stubborn. Instead, she changed the subject. "Don't you have friends? How about you go bother them?" She suggested. Vivian tsked, "You're changing the subject. That means you agree with me, which means that I'm right."

"Would it satisfy your huge ego if you were right?" Evangeline said. "My ego is a normal size but, it would be satisfied if you admitted that I was right, yes," Vivian said. "I will do no such thing because you are, in fact, wrong," the youngest Caspian replied. Vivian rolled her eyes and took a bite of her oatmeal, chewing it thoroughly and swallowing before speaking again.

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