xi. secret meetings

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hogsmeade had come fairly quickly. Evangeline had told Vivian about the class that Harry would be teaching to a group of students. Vivian thought the idea was both stupid and brilliant and agreed to go. Though, she would only do so if Evangeline came as well. The youngest Caspian had declined, claiming that she was not interested.

Vivian didn't believe it though and continued to beg her to go before Evangeline finally admitted that she didn't think that they had wanted her to go, seeing as she wasn't invited. Vivian had looked at her as though she were stupid, saying that Hermione probably didn't invite her because she knew that Evangeline would say no.

Vivian then proceeded to beg and annoy Evangeline until the younger girl agreed to accompany her sister to this secret meeting. Vivian saying that Evangeline was the only one that she could trust and therefore who she was going to take.

And so, the two Caspian sisters were trudging through the snow on their way to the Hog's Head, where Harry, Ronald, and Hermione wanted them all to meet. Why they chose to meet here, Evangeline didn't know. After Hermione had told Evangeline about the meeting and Evangeline relayed the message to her sister, the two roommates hadn't brought it up since, except for when Hermione told her where they'd be meeting. So, it was safe to assume that Hermione didn't know that either of them were coming.

Evangeline crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to keep more warmth in her body. "This is exciting, don't you think?" Vivian said. Evangeline shrugged, squeezing her arms tighter around her body when a cold gust of wind blew by. "I feel like this will be good for us. Especially with everything that's going on. When the Death Eaters come after us, we'll be prepared," she continued.

The younger girl turned to look at her sister. "When?" She questioned, slowing to a stop. Vivian stopped as well, looking at her sister as though she had grown an extra head. "Don't be so naïve. We're not going to become one of them and serve He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. They'll come after us for going against them. But we'll be ready," Vivian explained. Evangeline looked down at the snow covered ground.

"Mum and dad were way more skilled at magic than us and they weren't ready. Do you really think that we will be?" She asked. Vivian's face softened and she sighed softly. "Of course I do. We may not know as much as we they did, but that doesn't mean that we will end up like they did. We don't know the whole story, we don't know what happened that night. But I do know that you and I can do anything as long as we stick together," Vivian said.

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