xxxii. potions 101

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Hermione and Evangeline walked down the crowded Hogwarts corridors to their Potions class, Evangeline's textbook clutched tightly to her chest as they walked. The two were discussing the upcoming school year. Well, Hermione was discussing it. Evangeline was only listening to her friend's words, speaking when she felt it was right.

The two entered the class a few minutes earlier than some of the other students and greeted Professor Slughorn. Initially, Evangeline hadn't planned on taking this class. However, after scoring so well on her Potions O.W.L. exam, she decided that she might as well. She didn't have anything else to do and didn't want too many free periods, fearing that she would have nothing to do to fill the time.

So, she took this class. She quite liked Potions, so it wasn't as though being here was a drag. Evangeline noticed the girl from Fred and George's shop enter the classroom and her eyes narrowed. She was wearing a Gryffindor robe, which must have been why she had seemed familiar to Evangeline the other day at the store. Evangeline still had no idea who she was.

She leaned closer to Hermione, about to ask her who the girl was, seeing as Hermione knew everyone, before realizing that she didn't really care. "Yes?" Hermione asked, noticing her move closer and then away. Evangeline shook her head, "Nothing. Nevermind." The unknown girl caught Evangeline's eye and her face dropped into a glare. Evangeline scowled at her, turning away and impatiently waiting for the class to start.

It finally did and Professor Slughorn began his introductions. He then got into teaching his lesson. "Paying attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all plan," he was saying. Footsteps could be heard and he stopped speaking, turning to the door. Harry and Ron walked into the room and Evangeline's eyes narrowed at them, wondering what they were doing there. She distinctly remembered Ron talking about having a free period that morning and that he would use it to practice for Quidditch tryouts.

"Ah, Harry my boy. I've been beginning to worry. You brought someone with us, I see," Professor Slughorn said. "Ron Weasley, sir," Ron introduced himself. The unknown girl, who was now standing next to Hermione, began smiling at Ron. Hermione, who had taken notice of this, scowled at the girl. She knew that look and she did not like it one bit. And she knew for a fact that Evangeline would not like it as well. She turned to her friend who was still staring at Harry and Ron in confusion, feeling relieved when she didn't notice Lavender Brown staring at her boyfriend. Hermione was sure that the Caspian girl would skin Lavender alive if she had noticed.

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