xxiii. weasley twin chaos

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Evangeline hadn't spoken to Ron about the kiss that they had shared all those nights ago. In fact, she had barely seen the boy at all. The O.W.L. examinations had come quicker than Evangeline had expected and she had been busy studying like crazy, hardly even coming out of her room to eat.

She was currently in the Great Hall, taking her Theory Of Charms exam, which Umbridge was proctoring. Evangeline read over the next question, wracking her brain for the answer before writing it out when she remembered it.

Evangeline repeated this process, some answers coming easily to her and others not so much. She pursed her lips and looked up at the clock to see how much time was remaining. She nodded to herself before returning her attention back to the test. A booming noise from outside caused her to stop writing and lift her head up. She turned to face the door.

Another boom came from outside and by now, all eyes were on the door. Umbridge made her way down the steps and through the aisles, quickly trying to get to the door. Soft whispers could be heard throughout the classroom. Umbridge reached the doors and pulled them open. Evangeline could hear a sort of buzzing and zipping sound before a firework zoomed into the hall.

It shot up into the air and exploded, bursts of blue and orange filling the air before dissipating. It was quiet for only a moment before shouts could be heard from outside the hall and Fred and George Weasley zoomed in on broomsticks. They used magic to blast the O.W.L. tests into the air and shot more colorful fireworks into the air.

Evangeline stared up at the beautiful bursts of purples, reds, and oranges, a small smile coming to her face. The students stood, all beginning to enjoy the fireworks and laughing loudly. Hermione pulled Evangeline out of her seat, giggling like crazy. Evangeline rolled her eyes before sending the girl a small smile.

More and more fireworks were thrown throughout the room, filling it up with vibrant colors. Evangeline found herself laughing at it all, spinning around as she stared up at the ceiling, watching the fireworks continue to explode.

Fred and George met up in the middle of the room, throwing one last firework that burst multiple times before forming into a large dragon. The dragon roared before charging at Umbridge. The woman and pink went running for the door and Evangeline was laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe. Ron was watching the girl, laughing himself. He found her laugh to be very contagious. His mind went back to their kiss and his heart rate picked up. He wondered when the two of them would have a chance to talk.

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