xxi. patronus charms

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The next D.A. meeting was by far the most exciting one. Luckily for Evangeline, she didn't miss much in the last two meetings that she had missed, they had only been reviewing what they had learned the previous term. This meeting would consist of the group of teenagers learning how to produce the Patronus charm.

This one was one of the most difficult charms to produce. Even the most skilled wizards and witches had trouble producing the charm. Harry was currently explaining it to them and what they needed to do in order to be successful. They all broke up into smaller groups, taking turns on saying the spell. "Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up," Harry was saying as he walked about the room.

Evangeline was still trying to think of a memory, one that made her happy. She didn't have too many of those and was having trouble producing a Patronus. "Expecto Patronum," she tried again, waving her wand as she did so. Once again, nothing had happened. She let out an aggravated sigh as the next person in her group tried. "Don't worry, you'll get it. Just keep trying," Harry said, patting her shoulder.

She watched as a few people were successful in producing their Patronus. She began wracking her brain for a happy memory of when she was a child, coming up with nothing. Vivian, who was stood next to her, closed her eyes and thought. A smile came to the older girl's face and she attempted the spell once more. "Expecto Patronum," Vivian said, waving her wand. Evangeline watched as a burst of silvery blue escaped from Vivian's wand, taking the form of an Arctic Fox. The fox ran around them in circles before running around the room.

Vivian smiled triumphantly as she watched the fox run before it dissipated. Evangeline frowned at the older girl. She would never admit to the envy she was feeling in that moment and hoped that it didn't show on her face. "What were you thinking about?" She asked the older girl. "That time we had a water fight when I was ten and you were nine. Luther and Matilda were not happy at all. But it was fun," Vivian answered.

"Gemma and Barry were mad that we didn't include them," Evangeline said with a small smile. She then looked down at her wand, her frown returning. "Aw, don't feel discouraged. This is a difficult spell. But you'll get it, I know you will," Vivian said, sending her a smile before walking over to George and Fred who high fived her. Evangeline sighed, thinking of a random memory with Vivian before lifting up her wand and trying again.

Wisps of silvery blue spurted out of her wand but that was it. Another sigh. "No luck?" Ron asked, coming to stand next to her. "Does it look like I've had any luck?" She asked him. A light blush formed on his cheeks and Evangeline smiled when she saw it. "You blush a lot," she commented. His blush deepened and he cleared his throat. "You're having trouble with a memory, aren't you?" He asked

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