xii. the room of requirement

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Umbridge had issued another inquisitorial decree. One that disbanded all clubs and student organizations in Hogwarts. Evangeline had rolled her eyes when she heard the news. Vivian told her that if she kept doing it, her eyeballs would fall out of her sockets, which only made Evangeline roll her eyes again.

Things had gone back to being fairly normal. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were still trying to find a place for them all to meet. So until they did that, the group laid low, going back to their normal routine. However, things were different and Evangeline Caspian could feel it. She had been more social with her roommates, something that the two girls found odd, though neither complained.

Vivian, of course, noticed a change in her sister's demeanor, though she didn't comment on it just yet. Evangeline was just excited. She was happy that she would be doing something good. That she was going to be useful and not just sit around all day, reading her textbook. She didn't even notice a change within herself.

Evangeline walked into the Great Hall, taking a seat at the far end of the Gryffindor table. When Cleo Valentine sat in front of her, Evangeline simply looked in her direction before looking back to her food. "Hi, Evangeline," Cleo greeted. "Hello, Valentine," Evangeline replied, taking a bite of her drumstick. Cleo, who had not been expecting an answer, looked surprised.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" She asked. Evangeline looked up at her again, her eyebrows raised. "What?" She questioned. Cleo rested her arms on the table and leaned in. "You've spent the last four years ignoring my existence and now all of a sudden you're acknowledging me. Who are you and what have you done to Evangeline Caspian?" Cleo said.

Evangeline tilted her head. "Would you like for me to go back to ignoring your existence? Because I can do that. I don't have a problem with it," she said. "I want to know who you are. Because it's certainly not Evangeline. Has someone been slipping something into your food?" Cleo said. Evangeline narrowed her eyes before a thought came into her mind. "I don't know. Merlin, what if somebody has?" She said, a fake sense of surprise and wonder in her tone as she pretended to think that the idea was plausible.

Cleo didn't seem to get that she wasn't being serious and continued on as if this were a serious thing. "We have to tell someone! Maybe Madam Pomfrey can give you something," she said. Evangeline nodded, "You should go talk to her. I'll meet you there." Cleo nodded frantically and stood, rushing out of the Great Hall. Evangeline's mouth dropped open in shock as she stared after the girl.

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