Opening Statements Part 2 Of 2

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As I ran further into the grass, deeper into the trees, slits of sunlight repeatedly hitting me in the face, making their way through the leaves trying to block the light, I searched. Searched for something I wasn't sure I had even seen. Something I may have imagined. I only saw it for a moment, after all. A brief second, even. But something about that was so familiar. Something I couldn't let go. Something that deep inside, I knew I had to chase down.

But then what?

Was it a rare Pokemon? I didn't have any Poke Balls to catch it with. Or any Pokemon to battle against it with. It was basic knowledge that you have to weaken a Pokemon before you can capture it.

I slowed down my running, and with a deep breath, I ran forth again, faster than before. Something. Something! Something about that tail!! It inspired me to move on and go after it. I ran, looking as careful as possible, tearing past a group of Sandshrew.

A few wild Pidgey stared at me from the treetops as I ran past them, too.

A couple of Mankey glared at me as I moved on through the trees, hanging from the branches at first, and then swinging swiftly after me. I wasn't sure if they were chasing me or not. I knew Mankey, and especially their evolved form, Primeape, were a very dangerous species of Pokemon that were quick to anger. But they soon stopped following.

I didn't care, running like mad until I was out of breath and exhausted. My hands on my knees, I inhaled and exhaled heavily, swallowing what little saliva I had in my mouth down my dry, dying throat. My eyes scanned my surroundings once more before I let out a defeated sigh... only to hear a rustle!

A Spearow was hiding behind a clump of grass, staring at me.

I ignored it and looked about. When I looked back, the Spearow was still looking at me. "What do you want?" I said angrily to it.

It just stared back.

I was in no mood for this ugly bird Pokemon. I knew they were known for having a bad temper, but at the moment, I was mad as well and would've battled it myself if I had to.

Finally ready to walk back to Pallet Town, something caught my eye.

The Spearow. Its eyes. Something was familiar about that look. Like it was hiding something...

"HEY!" I screamed.

Spearow took off into the sky, flapping its wings frantically. I ran after it and leaped, trying to grab it with my bare hands, but it quickly turned mid-flight and pecked my fingers!

I screamed from the pain and released my catch.

That Spearow was giving me the same look Rattata did!

I just knew I had to... do something... But there was nothing I could do. I had no means of catching this Pokemon. Images of that white tail kept flashed into my mind. That tail. Where was it from? It inspired me to find out. It had to be connected to that Rattata and this Spearow. I felt it in my heart. I made another desperate lunge at Spearow, but it was out of my reach. I fell hard to the ground and watched as it flew higher and higher into the sky, until it just about disappeared from my view. Just before it did, I could've sworn something happened to it. I'm not sure what. I can barely explain it. It's like it changed somehow.

Perhaps it evolved?

I knew some Pokemon changed through evolution. When reaching a certain level, or gaining access to certain stones, some Pokemon change their form and become even stronger in some ways. But, no. That wasn't an evolution. I was sure of it. I felt somewhere in my heart that that wasn't an ordinary Spearow.

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