Bulba-Baby, Ivy Maybe

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"All of your Pokemon are in perfect health," Nurse Joy said brightly. "You have no need to worry. Your Hoothoot will need a couple of weeks to recover from his sprained wing, but he was handled very well by whoever last took care of him and wrapped his wing."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Charmeleon is also now doing just fine, and so is Dugtrio," Nurse Joy continued on.

"Thank you very much, Nurse Joy." I gave a big grin. A strange silence met me and the nurse as I stood there, smiling back at her. I felt like I was dying to say something to her.

She looked exactly like the other Nurse Joys, and yet there was something else about her. The glint in her eyes? The natural glow from her face? I felt like I could just about explode if I didn't open my mouth and tell her exactly how beautiful she was and how seeing her made my heart create wider space in my chest to try and contain my love for her.

"Can we go, now?" June interrupted my thoughts. "I have my Pokemon. What are we waiting for? What are you smiling at?"

I turned to see June look from me, to Nurse Joy, and back to me again. An annoyed look came over her face. "Don't you have a Badge to battle for or something?" she snapped at me. She grabbed me roughly high up by the arm and yanked me out of the Pokemon Center.

"Hey!" I stumbled after her. "What's the deal?"

"You have a Badge to win, right?" she said with a clear temper.

I was helpless as June held onto me in an iron locked grip and yanked me around the city.

"June, come on!" I was trying to fight my way out of her painful grasp, but she held onto me too tightly. I was practically a rag doll being dragged about by its angry child owner.

I grabbed June's arm with my other hand and yanked her back hard.

She gasped and turned to glare at me.

"What is your problem?" I demanded.

"Nothing!" she shouted. "I thought you were going for a Badge!"

"Of course I am! But what's the rush? You pulled me out of that Pokemon Center like my life was in danger."

She didn't say anything. After a moment, a calm came over her face. She inhaled deeply and a smile crawled over her lips as she exhaled happily. "Do you smell that, Gary?"

I inhaled the sweet scent of something very strong. I was sure it was perfume. "Yeah."

Around the two of us were bakeries, electronics stores, enormous apartment buildings, office buildings, clothing stores, and so much more. The busy streets filled with busy people hustling to their desired locations were surprisingly clean. There were people in suits, casual clothes, excessively fashionable clothing, and even a few people with completely abstract fashions on, in my opinion.

I noticed a video game store across the street and started walked towards it instinctually. Displayed at the window were all the latest games and gaming systems. I can't afford these things, I thought to myself sadly, shaking my head. And I'm a Pokemon Trainer. I have no time to play these cool games. There aren't even any electric outlets to charge these devices outdoors during my journey. Sighing, I remembered so many things about my old life. Being at home with my family. Having at least three full meals a day. Playing my favorite games on my computer, or on the TV, or my handheld games. Watching TV. Fighting with my sister over virtually anything and everything. Traveling with my family to see the city. Seeing my other family members. Staying up late when my parents put me to bed. Sneaking snacks out of the kitchen late at night. Hanging out with my friends. Birthdays. Holidays. Now, my life was so different. Everything I once knew had changed.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now