Progression, In Theory

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The clear path from moments ago was gone, now nothing but trees surrounding June and I.

The two of us seemed more distant that ever lately, but that wasn't my concern. I had pretty much been ignoring her since yesterday after our brief teatime with Gene.

June had continuously questioned me about Gene's spooky sentence to me: "Remember me in the gray area."

I had no idea what that meant, and I didn't feel like talking about it. That made it easier to think on. I shot June a very mean look, and she hadn't asked me about it since.

She even walked a further distance apart from me, several feet behind me right now.

I didn't feel regret about anything. I was in a bad mood, thinking about everything Gene had told me.

"You have no idea of how much power you have."

Most of our conversation was bizarre and made absolutely no sense. A couple of things she had said did make sense, though. A few things she told me stuck in my head and I dwelled on them more than anything else.

"You, are not the cause of her death."

"It wasn't possible for you to save her!"

"You and your Pokemon deserve some time alone to work out your feelings about all of this and get even closer to each other through time, dear."

I inhaled deeply and held my breath, but didn't stop moving. A robin caught my eye, staring at me motionlessly. My feet came to a stop and my eyes closed. I started to mentally will peace from my brain throughout my body. Pleading for it. Trying to ease the pain in my heart. My breath finally came out and I looked up at the late morning sky.

It was a clear blue, not a cloud visible.

A strong wind began to blow into me just as I began walking. I pushed forward, my hands deep in my jacket pockets. My eyes pressed tight to hold in the water forming around them from the sharp breeze, and I wiped at them with my arm, shaking my head and sniffling. I wondered if June was watching me, thinking I was crying again. Sadness wasn't within me at this time. There was anger, instead.

I'm headed to Dark City, now, I thought. To face the Dark Gym Leader. Cleopatra. And I'll beat her. I'll beat her, and then I'll beat the next Gym. And finally, the next and final Gym... My heart began to beat extra hard as it began to sink in just who my final Gym battle was going to be against...


I hadn't thought about her in such a long time. It was still fresh in my mind how easily she beat my Pokemon all three times we battled. I never stood a chance every single battle.

Graveler had been taken down, but even with that, her Kabutops was unstoppable.

No! I shouted to myself in my head. No Pokemon is unstoppable! I will return to Pewter City and she will be my eighth Gym Badge. The next time we meet, her Badge will be in my case. I promised I'd be back to win her Badge, and I intended to keep that promise. My heart was pounding harder than ever. With a tough swallow down a tight throat, I took a deep breath and shakily released it.

Kabutops didn't leave my head, easily defeating my Primeape both times they fought with a single swipe from its deadly scythe.

My eyes furrowed with impatient rage as my teeth tightened against each other. I'll beat her next time. I'll beat her, and the Pokemon League, and the Elite Four, and the Pokemon Champion of Kanto, and all the other regions. I'll do it for me. I'll do it... A sharp, painful breath escaped my nostrils. I'll do it for Aly... I inhaled strongly, holding back tears. Robin will pursue the same thing. For Aly. Kiwi will... My breathing came to a halt.

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