Foreign Company

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The wind blew hard against my face as I ran. The skull I had dug up yesterday was still fresh on my mind, as if I had only just found it and started running.

Falling asleep had been easy last night after the exhaustion of being chased down by rampant Whiscash, but staying asleep was the trick. Nightmares from both my encounter with Whiscash and the skull I found kept me in near constant terror at all times. Every time I was jolted awake, sweaty, sometimes even screaming, I looked out to the sea, fearing Whiscash was still after me. Even though I was sleeping in the wooded area that neighbored the beach, I couldn't relax.

The gloomy overcast and warning of rain was welcoming to me as I made my way through the middle of the beach, the sea looking gray in reflection of the sky, as if it were considering rising up and drenching all of the sand, sweeping me off my feet and taking me out in the unknown beneath. I preferred this over a sunny day on the beach, however beautiful it would have been to view. This kind of weather was calming to me, and inspired thinking. I wonder how my mom is, I dwelled. I don't really want to, but I should give her a quick call. She's hurting having no one home with her. Her entire family is gone. She's alone. I should let her know how I'm doing. As soon as I get to Celadon City, I'll give her a ring. And my Pokemon! I still need to get in touch with Prof. Oak and find out what Pokemon I caught on that mountain. I'm sure it was something Psychic. My foot landed on the sand and went through a hole, stopping ankle deep. I pulled hard and my foot was freed. After shaking my foot off, I continued walking.

I wonder how many Pokemon Robin and Aly have caught so far, I continued. I need to find me some more. I was far behind everyone else the last time I spoke to the Professor. I wonder if Kiwi made it back to Pallet Town okay. So many things I need to speak to the Professor about. So many things. This sure has been a weird journey. I definitely am crazy for continuing. Where am I even headed right now? My bag slipped off my shoulder it was hanging from as I reached to open it and get the Town Map. My foot suddenly sunk into another hole. The sand went up a little higher than my ankle this time. "What the...?" I muttered, and positioned my other foot to balance myself as I pulled my foot out of the hole. I pulled my sneaker off and shook a little bit of sand out of it. As I bent over to put my sneaker back on, sand blew into my face from the cold wind, forcing me to close my eyes. Blindly, I tied my sneaker and stood up, wiping sand out of my face. It's really getting cold. Winter time is approaching. It didn't help that my jacket was still soaking wet. I had changed my clothes, but it wasn't freezing cold outside so I didn't want to wear my heavier jacket. I'd be alright. Rubbing my eyes was only making the pain from the sand in them, worse. Choosing to just squint through and wait out the stinging in them, I walked. They hurt and were tearing up, but I'd be better soon enough.

Celadon City, I reminded myself. But most importantly, Fuchsia City. Afterwards, I can be concerned with where my next Gym battle should take place at.

Now, both of my feet fell through yet another hole in the sand! What's going on? I wondered, greatly confused. I placed both hands in the sand and struggled to force myself up, but I was stuck. I grabbed one leg and tried to force it out, but it wouldn't budge. "What the hell is this?" Anger was starting to fill up in me as I pulled harder on my leg, trying to force myself up with all my strength. Is this quicksand? I began to fear. I wasn't sinking, I soon realized, but what was going on? Finally, my right leg popped up from the sand, but without my sneaker. I reached in the sand and dug around before shortly coming up with it. I held it upside down and shook all the sand out of it before putting it back on my foot and tying it tightly. I need to get out of here, I thought as I pulled on my other foot. Something isn't right here. My foot was rising out of the sand slowly. Almost out... "OOOWWW!!" I screamed.

Something was biting my foot!

"HEY!!" I pulled frantically on my leg as I felt something sharp digging into it under the sand! "GET OFF OF ME!!" I was yanking and pulling hard on my leg.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now