Fear & Anger Part 1 Of 2

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Viridian Forest.

I wasn't thrilled about being here. I've had a really bad phobia of insects, Pokemon or not, ever since back in preschool when I went to the bathroom and ran into a wild Beedrill. How a Beedrill got in the bathroom, I'll never know, but it did, and I was terrified by it.

Plus, all I had was a Mankey with me. Fighting type Pokemon don't have too many good moves to beat Bug types. We were at a disadvantage, here.

For the smallest second I thought of Charmander. As a Fire type, it had a huge advantage to beat Bug types. What Charmander? I thought angrily. I don't own a Charmander. Never have. I shook my head and turned to Mankey. "Well, Mankey, here goes nothing."

Mankey was hanging from my back, his arms around my neck. Swiftly, he leaped off of me and into the trees, relieving me of his weight. He stared at me as he jumped and up down on a branch excitedly, waiting to follow me.

With a smile, my eyes scanned the forest as we walked, hoping to get out as soon as possible.

Mankey swung on the tree vines after me, happy as ever, sticking close by.

"Hey, Mankey," I said softly but clearly to him, my eyes on the ground as I squinted against the sun streaming through the tree branches and leaves, dotting the area like tiny flashlights and poking at my face.

Mankey glanced at me as he stood on a tree branch, waiting for me to get a little distance ahead of him before he proceeded swinging.

"I had a bad experience when I was younger with a Bug Pokemon, so I'm really not very fond of them. I want to get out of this forest as soon as possible, so, what do you say we try to keep an eye out and avoid them?"

Mankey grunted in agreement.

We moved slowly to not disturb any Bug Pokemon, but swiftly enough to get around quickly. The instant we saw it, both me and my Pokemon froze.

A tree covered in Kakuna! From the bottom of the trunk to the high tops of the branches, Kakuna were everywhere! None of them were moving. They all were just looking ahead in silence.

I knew just what this Pokemon was. Pulling out my Pokedex, I scanned them anyway.

Kakuna. The Cocoon Pokemon. The evolved form of Weedle. This Pokemon is nearly incapable of moving at all. However, in some cases, they can extend a poison bard to attack enemies. This is middle stage for Weedle before evolving into the highly dangerous Beedrill.

Turning to Mankey, I put one finger to my lips and motioned for him to slowly keep moving, away from the tree. We crept along and once we were a safe distance away, I stopped.

My goal. My promise to catch them all. All one thousand Pokemon. I promised my mom I would. I had to.

"Mankey, we have to go back," I told him sternly.

Mankey stared at me for a moment, then happily hopped up and down on the branch he was on in agreement.

Something suddenly fell out from the tree! Right before my feet landed a Weedle!

"Oh, wow! Look, Mankey!" Whipping out my Pokedex, I scanned Weedle.

Weedle. The Hairy Bug Pokemon. They eat mainly leaves everyday in preparation for their evolution. Though slow moving, they use the sharp stinger on their heads masterfully.

I hated this Bug with a passion, but I had to capture it. "Mankey, go!"

Mankey flew from the treetops and landed in front of the Weedle.

Weedle backed up a little, stood up and arched its back, and then it leaped forward, stinger aimed at Mankey!
"Mankey, move!"

Mankey dodged just in time, keeping its eyes on Weedle.

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