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Kingdra swam by herself, slowly moving along the water with her head lowered slightly, most likely in thought. On occasion, she would stop to gaze up at the sun.

Charmeleon shot fire at Dugtrio while Dugtrio dug under the sand, avoiding the attacks, and then pop back up nearby.

Primeape frantically leaped into the air, swinging viciously at Hoothoot who flew just out of reach of the feisty monkey's grasp.

Butterfree sat atop a tree with a longing look in its eyes and depressing, droopy antennae.

Aside from Kingdra and Butterfree, everybody seemed to be in a good mood.

Kingdra was presumably thinking about her Trainer, Drock.

It had been a few days since I had gotten her in that trade, and my Pokemon and I did all we could to make her feel comfortable. She wasn't opening up much. She just preferred spending time alone. Whenever any of my other Pokemon would try to talk to her, she would look at me pleadingly and seemed to beg for me to return her to the solitude of her Poke Ball, which I would grant her. At first, I encouraged her to not be so shy, but I could see from her actions and pleading cries how much she didn't want to be around the others, and I had to give in. She deserved to be alone if she wanted to be.

Butterfree had just recently begun acting strange, and the reason was clear.

I walked up and stopped just a few feet from its tree. "Hey, Butterfree," I smiled warmly.

Butterfree slowly turned its head over to me. "Freee..."

"Do you miss Beedrill?" I asked quietly.

Butterfree's eyes began to tear up. "Freeeee..." Butterfree looked away, a tear falling out from each eye.

"I'm sorry, Butterfree." My own eyes were beginning to water, now. "I'm sorry Beedrill isn't with us anymore. And I'm also sorry I didn't even realize how close you two were. He was a good friend, huh? You both had similarities being Bug types."
Butterfree nodded. "Freeee, Freee..."

"Butterfree, I hope that one day, we will meet our friend again," I said hopefully. "I cared for Beedrill, too, you know. I really did love him a lot. He was a great friend to all of us."

Butterfree just nodded but didn't say anything.

"Butterfree, won't you come down?" I suggested. "Come down and play with all of your friends. We all are your friends. We all love you a lot." My lips pressed together tightly as I took a deep breath. Inhaling once again for bravery, pushing aside the fear within, I slowly raised my arm up and extended it towards Butterfree.

Butterfree's antennae perked up a little bit as it stared at my arm. It pushed off from the branch it was holding onto with its feet and flapped its huge wings at me.

I flinched and backed up a step, but held a determined face and stood still as the giant insect flew closer to me, finally landing on my arm. Forcing a smile, I tightened my arm as I held up the fairly weighty creature. Taking another deep breath, I turned to walk back to the other Pokemon playing in the sand. I came to a quick stop when I realized they all were staring at us.

Even Kingdra.

Charmeleon, Dugtrio, Primeape, and Hoothoot were all smiling and began to cheer.

Butterfree's antennae perked up even higher and it leaped from my arm and towards the other Pokemon.

I let out a silent breath of relief as I watched the Bug and the others.

The cheering grew louder and Butterfree happily flew above its friends. Hoothoot joined Butterfree in the air and they flew around in circles as the others danced beneath them.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now