Round Five: The Power Of One

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"The field matches are over now, Gary," June smiled, gazing around at the people walking by us as we sat together on a bench outside. "The Indigo Stadium is just going to be strictly a normal field. And this is going to be your last three-on-three battle, too. If you win here, it's six-on-six matches!"

"Yup," I replied, smiling up into the sky. "This is it. I'm not losing at this point. I'm headed straight for the top."

"This is your first battle here without a specific field. No more playing around with the field to win."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, turning to her, my smile fading, feeling offended by June's words.

"No, no," June shook her head sharply, looking at me warily. "I only mean, you used the field, but so did your opponents! So it was even! I know you would have won if the field were just normal. I just mean, neither you nor your opponent will be able to use the field to an advantage."

I let out my breath and leaned back against the bench, looking back up. My first round battle on the Grass Field was won with pure power, I thought angrily. My opponent used the field to try to win. The Water Field was used by my opponent, too. I won with strategy and strength. The Rock Field was the same thing. My opponent used the field to try to win, but lost to me and my Pokemon's overwhelming power. The Ice Field was really the only time I really used to field to end up winning. June doesn't know anything. What is she talking about? A scream broke into my thoughts and I looked down at my surroundings.

It was such a beautiful, warm day, a gentle breeze swaying the grass and the leaves in the trees above and on the ground. The sky was a strong blue, enormous clouds glowing white next to the sun. The air was clean, fresh, and gentle.

June and I were in the middle of a huge, grassy clearing.

Many people with their Pokemon had been playing in the area surrounding us, laughing. Others had been practicing moves with their Pokemon and preparing for upcoming battles.

The scream came from a woman who was looking at something in fright, her eyes following it. It was hard to miss what this woman was eyeing.

A microwave was hopping along the grass!

My mouth dropped open in shock. I stood up, walked closer to the microwave, and stopped, the sun now beaming right on me. I instantly could feel the temperature rise around me, so different from the comfort I had felt sitting on the bench in the shade.

The microwave had sparking arms that reached up into the air, and it almost looked like it had eye designs near the top of its head, near a large spike that sat on top of it. The microwave hopped past the gaping woman, me, and June, and stopped several feet away from us, right in front of my Drifloon, who stared down at it. The door to the microwave opened and a plate of rice with a slab of meat on top, floated out and hovered in front of my now red faced Drifloon.

"June, is that your Rotom?!" I questioned.

June was staring in shock at the scene before us.

Many Trainers and Pokemon were looking at this, actually. Surely everyone in the area.

Drifloon's face got even redder and she backed away a few feet.

"ROTOM!" June didn't sound too angry, just a little bit exasperated. She walked up to Rotom and snatched the plate out of the air. "Rotom, put that microwave back right this second! You cannot go around stealing things!" She held out the plate at it. "And take this back, as well!"

The microwave let out a sad cry and the plate floated away from June and into the microwave again. It hopped away quickly and disappeared around a corner, into the Pokemon League Village.

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