Stop! In The Name Of Bugs

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June yawned, stretching her arms behind her back, a big smile on her face. She looked up at the sky, which wasn't very blue, but not completely gray, either, light from the sun seeming to try to show itself behind the gray clouds. "The weather is getting nice," June commented.

I nodded, but I'd miss the cold, winter weather. The snow and the rain. I preferred it over a hot, summer day, any day. Admittedly, the cold was difficult to tolerate sometimes and I often found myself wishing it were just a bit warmer on some especially freezing cold nights in the middle of the woods.

"I really can't wait for the summer!" June exclaimed eagerly. "It's not far off, either. We can go to the beach and enjoy the sun and have fun!"

"I don't do swimming," I said grumpily. "And I don't like the sun. And I don't like heat."

June burst out laughing. "You little cave hermit! How can you not like the sun? Your body needs it!"

I shrugged. "I like it cold and rainy, or snowy outside. Damper weather suits me," I said moodily.

"You're so weird," June giggled, counter to my attitude. "This summer, we're gonna break you out of that and have some fun."

"This summer, I'll be training for the Pokemon League and just before autumn arrives, it should be about time to compete. That will be all the fun I need."

June rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

June and I had been walking through a field for maybe the past hour or so, tall grass grabbing at our knees that stretched out in every direction beyond what my eyes could see, and I began to wonder if we were lost.

"It's been a while since we left Tough Town," June noted.

It's been six days, I thought to myself.

"Like, a week," June added. "Where is Azure City?"
I didn't say anything, but I'd been wondering the same thing myself. We should've been there by now. The last time I had checked the Town Map, it had said we were only about a town away from it.

Courtney had told us Azure City was close by, as well.

Even Prof. Oak said we were close to reaching Azure City.

Nonetheless, June and I still hadn't arrived there.

"We can't be far," I muttered.

"I thought it was close to Cloud City!" June complained. "It's been over a week of traveling!"

"Calm down." Her panic was irritating me as I tried to remain calm in this confusion. "We'll get there, alright?"

"I'm hungry and want to take a nap," she grumbled.

"We woke up like, two hours ago and ate."

"Oh, just forget it, Gary," June spoke grumpily.

I hope we get there soon, I thought, ignoring her.

June got so freaking annoying sometimes.

A cry from a distance grabbed my attention.

June looked up with a start and stared off into the distance.

The cry got louder and June stopped, looking off to the right.

"What is that?" I asked.

June didn't answer. Her face was focused. She walked off to locate the source of the noise.

"June! Where are you going?" I cried out. "We're gonna get lost!"

June started to run fast, determined to find the location of the sound.

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