Haunted: Dead Or Alive Part 3 Of 3

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A bright flash blinded me and before I knew it, it was gone. My heart pounded sharply as I spotted Sabrina and her Haunter.

Me, June, and Kiwi were back in Sabrina's Gym.

The possessed Gym Leader stood in her position at the battlefield.

Her Haunter floated next to her, his smile wider than ever, a hungry look in his eyes.

"I knew you'd be back," Sabrina said coldly.

"Sabrina!" I pleaded. "Please! Listen to me!"

"Mean Look," Sabrina said, ignoring me.

Haunter floated forward and his eyes started to glow purple.

June and Kiwi gasped at the same time a sudden chill swept around my body, causing my arms to jump out and wrap around me.

"There is no escaping now," Sabrina stated. "You all belong to me."

Haunter laughed as I glared at him, shuddering from the cold before it started to fade.

Sabrina laughed along with her Pokemon.

We were now stuck in the Gym. We either succeeded in this mission, or die.

"Sabrina! Haunter is controlling you!" I turned to Haunter angrily. "You have to stop this!!"
"Attack." Sabrina pointed at us as Haunter flew quickly.

I prepared for the worst, narrowing my eyes tightly as Kiwi and June screamed behind me.

"Kadabra!" Kadabra appeared in front of us in a series of lights. His eyes glowed red.

Haunter was outlined in red, frozen in place. He glared at Kadabra, no longer smiling.

"Sabrina!" I pointed at Kadabra. "This is your Kadabra! Don't you remember him? He was your first true friend! He came to you as an Abra when you-!"

"HAUNTEEEEEEER!!!" Haunter screamed, and somehow broke free of Kadabra's psychic grip. His eyes went completely black and he sent black beams at Kadabra.

Kadabra cried out as the Night Shade sent him tumbling on the ground where he stopped in a heap.

"Kadabra!" I yelled out.

Kadabra got up and started to glow yellow, using his Recover. With a yell, Kadabra raised his spoon and as his eyes glowed a dark red, multicolored, circular rays shot out at Haunter who cried out in anguish as he fell back against the attack.

"That's Psywave," Kiwi whispered.

"No, Psybeam," I corrected her. Not that it mattered. Our lives were at stake on this battle.

Haunter shook off the damage. His hands cupped for a moment and then he opened them and fired several beams of black and purple circles at Kadabra.

Kadabra suffered badly from the Dark Pulse attack, his naming crying out from his throat as he flew back through the air and landed at my feet.

I knelt down to the weakened battler. "Kadabra!" My hand rested on his back. "Kadabra, try that Recover attack again. Build back your energy. Please! We're counting on you! Don't give up! We need you!"
Kadabra groaned as he managed to stand up, leering at Haunter.
Haunter floated over quickly and used Lick attack on Kadabra, his tongue sliding along the front of Kadabra's face.

Kadabra groaned in disgust and used Teleport to the other end of the field and then used Recover. "Kadabra!" He looked a lot better now. He raised his spoon and his eyes flashed red.

Haunter laughed heartily and flew at Kadabra. His speed picked up all of a sudden and his body was outlined in a sinister black color right before he slammed into Kadabra, interrupting the Psychic type's next move.

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