An Abundance Of Solace Part 3 Of 3

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Snow flew up around the lower half of me, forced up by my feet pounding into the ground rapidly as they carried me deeper into the Safari Zone, the area around me a wide, open field with distant trees covered in snow. Not too far away was a large house!

"Help!" I said, more to myself than anything. I ran up the stoop and knocked rapidly on the door. "Help!!" I screamed out now. "Please! I NEED HELP!!" I kept banging on the door for a very long couple of minutes, screaming, kicking, and slamming my fists to the door before I gave up. Nobody was here. I angrily kicked the door once more and turned to run, seeking help elsewhere.

A huge lake sat peacefully several feet away from me, ruffled softly by a slight breeze. Everything here looked so calm.

Seeing this serene scenery before me encouraged me to run faster; forced my tired body to keep running despite the pleas for rest I knew my body needed. I couldn't stop now. The Safari Zone was in danger. I couldn't let this place be destroyed, too.

Officer Jenny was going to try and radio for help.

I only could hope she'd make it there safely. I could only hope the base she was trying to reach wasn't already destroyed in the chaos going on there. She's fine, I told myself. She's safe and can more than take care of herself. We're all going to be okay! I kept running, struggling to just believe in these words. She's okay. She's going to get help. There are no other options here. We're all going to make it!

The sound of a helicopter grabbed my focus and raised my head to the sky. My teeth grit tight as my eyebrows narrowed, furiously wishing I could knock that damn thing right out of the sky.

A door opened on the side of the helicopter and a large, red and white colored ball stuck out of it partially.

I slowed down my running, my eyes widening with fear as my heart bounced.

As the ball was dropped, I ran away as fast as I could.


I felt the force of Electrode as it exploded, forcing me to roll against my will. My body laid out flat, face down, but I let out a loud yell and forced myself up to my feet, sick and tired of all of this by now.

Whoever this was was killing innocent Pokemon by using them as bombs!

I wasn't going to just continue allowing this to happen by running anymore!

Where Electrode had exploded, there was a large area of the field now on fire, the snow near the spot gone now.

"That's it!" I called up to the helicopter as it continued on ahead of me. "No more of this! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!"

Several more Pokemon were being dropped out of the flying machine. They exploded on contact with the ground, some exploding halfway down. By the time the helicopter stopped unleashing its unprovoked attack and ascended higher into the sky, there was a long, wide sea of fire as far as I could see. Treetops were flaming, smoke rising.

I backed away, unable to get around the fire. Unable to proceed forward to get help. I was trapped between a sea of fire and an invisible electric wall.

"Wait! I know!" It was time to do something I should've done a long time ago. It was time to stop running. I grabbed a Poke Ball. It was time to fight back! "Kingdra, I choose you!" I threw her Poke Ball to the ground.

"DOOO DOOOOO!" Kingdra cried out.

"Kingdra, use Brine attack!"

"DOOOOOOOO!!!" Kingra sprayed the fire with her water attack, dousing the flames as best as she could.

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