Breaking The Habit

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I guess I'll call Prof. Oak when we get to Pewter City, I considered as I walked quickly alongside the trees lining one side of the dirt path.

June was walking on the other side of the path, close to the trees lining it.

June and I hadn't spoken at all for several hours as we headed for Pewter City. After our fight over Kiwi and Raikou, we were being very distant with each other.

I still couldn't believe June could accuse Kiwi of such a horrible act. Then again, I knew Kiwi better than June, and June was someone who had a deep connection with Pokemon. It was obvious that we would have differing opinions on this situation. It still bothered me that, after all June and I had been through, and especially after what I'd personally been through during the time June wasn't traveling with me, that she could think a Pokemon was just so innocent and perfect. I was still haunted by the incident in Saffron City, and my journey through the beach as I headed towards Celadon where I encountered Whiscash, Trapinch, and the Houndoom, were clear incidents of Pokemon attacking for poor reasons, amongst others. Maybe they had explanations to go along with them, but Raikou's attack on Kiwi could have been the same thing. In fact, I knew it was the same thing. It was this difference in views on the situation that left June and I so upset at each other. We both "knew" we were right and the other person was wrong.

I hope Kiwi will make it through, I thought. I hope she can still compete in the Pokemon League, or at least will recover soon. She's gone through so much.

Something up ahead made me come to a stop. A town! I hurried forward, trying to recognize if it was Pewter City or not.

I could hear June also pick up her pace.

As I got closer, I saw that it was not Pewter City. Where are we now? I wondered, disappointed. I pulled out my Town Map from my bag and scanned it, but I couldn't spot the town at first. "Float Town," I muttered, finally seeing it.

The town looked big enough to be a city. There were mainly houses in the area, but there was the occasional enormous building or two every couple of blocks. Cars were parked on the cement ground, the sidewalks were clean, and the town itself was peaceful.

A few people walked by us.

One woman was carrying a child in her arms, though he looked old enough to walk on his own.

A man pushed a stroller with a kid whose feet just about reached the ground, looking a tiny bit too old to be strapped into one as he struggled in frustration, crying out in distress.

A few other people without children walked by, a couple of them looking up into the sky.

I stared back down at the Town Map. Pewter City is the next location. After we get out of here, it's just a little bit further. Then, I'll definitely get my eighth Badge and I can compete in the Pokemon League. It's just about that time. I started to shake with excitement as my legs carried me faster.

"NO! DON'T DO THAT!" a woman screamed, distracting me from my thoughts. I turned quickly and looked across the street to see a woman snatch a blue balloon from her child who sat in a pouch she wore in front of her chest. She let go of the balloon and let it float into the sky.

The child cried and reached up for the balloon in vain as it floated higher. The child started to scream in anguish.

The mother pet the child's head and continued to walk on, whispering words which did nothing to calm the kid.

What was that about? I wondered, my eyes rising to the balloon momentarily. I shook my head a bit and walked on. I had crossed several streets after some time and began to wonder if maybe I should have taken other detours instead of continuously walking straight ahead.

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