We're Out Of Our League

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"Do you know anything about Cleopatra?" I inquired to my traveling companion.

"Huh? Cleopatra? No. I'm sorry, I don't," June replied, turning to me with surprise.

I turned and squinted at her. "Nothing?"

"Only about as much as you do," June said, staring back. "She's the Dark Gym Leader of Dark City. I can't say I know much more about her."

"Right," I mumbled, turning to my Town Map between my hands.

Things between June and I had gotten a little bit better. The atmosphere wasn't so tense and solemn; depressive and quiet. We were beginning to talk a bit more easily.

"It's a lot further than I had thought," I admitted. "I guess it isn't too strongly displayed on the map just how far away it is. I figured we'd have been there by now."

"Hm." June turned away, looking ahead.

I slipped the map back into my backpack.

"Primeape is an obvious choice, right?" June asked, not looking at me.

We walked a rocky path, trees lining one side, a little pond on our other side, the afternoon sun high in the sky, blocked behind clouds.

"Yeah, I suppose," I answered.

"Baltoy wouldn't be the best option against her," June added.

I just nodded.

"Of course, a type advantage isn't everything, but having one isn't a bad idea," June continued.

Primeape, or even Butterfree, could be useful, I thought. My other Pokemon, besides Baltoy, aren't necessarily stronger or weaker in type, so using them would be a battle based on pure strength and skill.

"Hey, look," June said, breaking into my thoughts, causing me to look up.

Ahead of us stood three people talking.

"Huh?" I said with surprise, staring at one of the people who seemed to be the only excited member of the group. That one looked familiar.

June and I continued to walk at our regular pace, nearing the three.

Suddenly, a sharp gasp came from out of June. "Oh, my gosh!" Her face broke into an enormous smile. "I cannot believe this!!"

"Huh?" I said to her, turning from the guy who seemed so thrilled to be with the other two, his hands balled into fists, raised to his chest, bouncing on his feet.

The other two young men seemed a bit embarrassed by the third kid.

June ran past me, to them.

The three guys turned around in surprise and stared at June.

"ROBIN!" I shouted in shock.

Robin was the guy who seemed too happy to be with the other two!

Quickly, I sprinted the rest of the way to join the four.

Robin squinted at June. "June?" He turned to me as I screamed out his name. "GARY!" He laughed heartily and smiled broadly. "And JUNE!" Robin stared as June ran eagerly towards him. His smile seemed to widen even further as June got closer to him. He opened his arms and prepared to embrace June in a big, welcoming hug. Robin's face nearly hit the floor in a mix of shock and disappointment as June ran right past him and stopped in front of the other two men!

"I can't believe it!" June gushed. "It's A.J. and Barry!! I can barely keep myself standing right now! What an honor!"

My eyes remained glued on Robin in shock, happiness, and deep down inside, my heart beat just little bit faster from fear.

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