From The Seed, To The League

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"Well, congratulations, Gary!" Prof. Oak exclaimed with a big smile. "You've finally managed to get all eight Badges, and just in time. You only have until tomorrow to register. Now would be a good time to go to the Pokemon League Village at the Indigo Plateau and get yourself set up there. All participants can eat for free, and you'll have your own room."

"Right!" I nodded eagerly. "I can't wait to win!"

"Just do your best, Gary. You'll be facing some of the strongest Trainers out there. Their Pokemon will be no easy win."

"I know, Professor. But, neither will mine. We're definitely headed for a victory, no matter what the opponent will be!"

Prof. Oak nodded. "This inspires a poem." His eyes closed.

Oh, no, I thought, my face dropping. What a buzzkill this is gonna be.

He raised one hand, pointing at the ceiling as he began. "Moltres; guided through skies with pride, defined through humble beauty."

That one... almost made some sort of sense...

"OH! MY! GOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!" June appeared in front of Prof. Oak from out of nowhere, smiling widely, a maniac's gleam in her eyes. "A poem from Prof. Oak himself! Brand new!! Never heard before!!" She jumped up and down in place excitedly.

I sighed, closing my eyes and shaking my head.

June and I were in Prof. Oak's mansion, talking with him about my win at the Viridian City Gym and where we'd be headed next.

Prof. Sketchit had greeted us, but suddenly said that he had something to take care of in another part of Prof. Oak's mansion, upstairs.

I had a strong feeling he just wanted to get away from June, who was acting weird, just as she had been the last time she was here.

June greeted Prof. Sketchit by gripping his shoulders tightly and bouncing on the spot, excitedly asking him questions about Prof. Oak. When he had left, June was looking at an enormous bookshelf, pressing her right ear against the books, seeming to be listening for something. She slowly took steps, sliding against the bookshelf, keeping her ear on it. She then proceeded to lay flat on her stomach on the floor and rubbed her arms and legs on the ground, sliding along the floor.

She is so embarrassing, I had thought angrily as me and Prof. Oak watched her silently.

Now she was staring at Prof. Oak eagerly, about an inch away from their noses meeting.

Prof. Oak stared at her, backing away, his face red. "Thank you for enjoying it so much, June." Prof. Oak forced an uncomfortable laugh.

"June, you're making the Professor uncomfortable." I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back. "Sir, I thank you for your assistance. We'll be heading over to the Indigo Plateau, now. Thank you."

"Good luck, Gary," Prof. Oak smiled warmly. "I'll be sure to see you there. I always attend the Kanto Pokemon League competition. I'll be cheering for you."

"That's great! Thanks, Prof. Oak! We'll see you there." I stepped in front of June and pushed her backwards.

She continued to smile admiringly at the Professor as she stumbled back. "Wait! Come with us, Prof. Oak!" June begged.

"Uummm..." Prof. Oak said, chuckling nervously.

"Pleeeeeeease!" June reached out for him.

I opened the front door and shoved her outside. "Thanks again," I told the professor, and slammed the door shut.

"Aww," June complained. She turned to me, frowning. "Why couldn't he come with us?"

"We have to hurry up," I said impatiently. "We don't have time for this."

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now