The End

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I turned to see Prof. Sketchit running towards me at rapid speed. "What's going on, Prof. Sketchit?" I asked with concern.

Prof. Sketchit stopped before me with his hand reached out in a fist.

I opened my palm and from his hand dropped five Poke Balls!

"Prof. Oak... forgot... to give you these..." Prof. Sketchit gasped for air.

I gasped. "How could I forget??"

The most important thing a Pokemon Trainer needs. Their Poke Balls! How else can a Trainer capture and master a wild Pokemon?

"I guess Prof. Oak is getting on in his years and totally forgot. Sorry about that," Prof. Sketchit laughed. "Where are the others?"

"They just left. In three different directions, too." I pointed.

"Oh, darn it! This is terrible!" Prof. Sketchit exclaimed. "Well, no worries. Prof. Oak said he'd send a few flying Pokemon after you four if I couldn't catch you and they would locate and deliver the Poke Balls themselves. I better go in that case so they get delivered before one of those three guys runs into a wild Pokemon!" In an instant, he was running away from me and back to the lab, dirt flying up behind him.

Nothing would be worse than running into a wild Pokemon and not having the Poke Balls to catch it, I thought to myself. Slipping my Poke Balls into my pocket, I walked forward a few steps and then stopped. My right hand grabbed at the right side of my waist and gripped the Poke Ball clipped to my belt. "Go, Charmander!"

Charmander came out of the extended Poke Ball in my hand.

I knelt down to it and smiled. "Hey, Charmander. My name is Gary, as you may recall." I tried not to just constantly stare at it in the eyes, lowering my own or looking around us briefly as I spoke. "I want to become a Pokemon Master and capture every Pokemon there is. You're my very first Pokemon. We can train hard together and grow stronger, and travel the world competing to win Badges, and fighting in Pokemon competitions. How does that sound to you?"

Charmander stared at me for a short moment before crossing its arms and turning its back to me.

"Hey. What did I do to you, anyway? Why the attitude?"

Charmander didn't respond.

"Charmander, tell me what..." Pokemon can't say anything but their names, I reminded myself. "...Er... Can't you... just work with me? Give me a chance! Let's work together, okay?"

Charmander said nothing.

I sighed.

Suddenly, something ran into the clearing. A Rattata!

Charmander and I stared at it as it stared back at us.

Rattata. The Mouse Pokemon. Once this Pokemon finds a location to find food, it will breed there continuously and be impossible to get rid of. This Pokemon can live virtually anywhere on land.

After my Pokedex was done stating that information, I closed it and took a step closer to Rattata. "My first Pokemon capture. Charmander! I..."

In a red flash, Charmander charged forward and tackled Rattata!

Rattata wasn't ready for that and flew several feet before attempting to land.

I say attempting to land because before Rattata hit the ground, Charmander moved forward again and with a swift twist, smacked Rattata with its tail and sent it flying into a tree!

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now