Child's Play

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"You'wa jus' a butt head!" Aly shouted.

"No, you awe! You'wa stupy an'... Ugy an' jus' a poop face!" another child retorted.

"You banananana nose!" Aly said angrily.

"You big... Stupy... stupy girw!" the boy uttered frantically.

"You diwty fiwty boy!" Aly stepped closer to the child.

I backed away in fear, watching, wishing the teacher would show up from wherever she was to stop the fighting. I hated the fighting. I just wanted to play with my blocks and continue building my tower...

"You'wa jus' dumb! Dawnphan isn' stwong! Is jus' a big ugy eleeefant," the boy stated.

"Dawnphan is gweat! Awl Pokemon awe weally cool!" Aly insisted.

"Magycawp isn't!" the boy challenged. "And Glameows awe jus' stupy!"

"WHAT?" Aly charged at the boy.

I covered my face and peeked through my fingers as she shoved the boy to the floor.

The entire class gasped.

"Take it back!" Aly's face was red with anger. "Cat Pokemon awe da best!"

"I'm not gonna be buwwied by some icky girw!" The boy got up to face Aly.

"Stop tawking mean about Pokemon!" Aly cried, her voice getting more shrill and upset. Her eyes were filling with tears.

"Stupy stupy stupy!" the boy chanted. "Cat Pokemon awe stupy! Weak Pokemon awe stupy! Stupy Pokemon are STUPY!"

Aly fell to the ground suddenly and tears started flowing from her eyes. "Awl Pokemon awe coo'..." she said weakly, her voice breaking. Suddenly, she exploded in tears.

"Awy!" I cried out, my eyes filling with tears seeing her cry.

The boy laughed at Aly.

I ran past him and knelt down next to her. "Awy, is okay! Don't cwy. Pwease?"

Aly looked at me, her face still running with tears.

I turned to the boy angrily. "That wasn't nice!"

"Oooooo! Is Awy your giwfwiend?" A huge smile spread across his face.

"NO!" I shouted, my heart pounding hard in my chest, shocked by his claim.

"Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy!" the boy chanted, and soon, the entire class was saying it over and over again.

"I AM NAWT!" Anger was building in me.

"Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy!"

The chanting rang in my head. The more it continued, the angrier I could feel myself getting, my face burning from embarrassment uncontrollably.

"STAWP IT!" I screeched.

"Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy!"

I could hear Aly crying again behind me.

Tears started filling my eyes once more. I couldn't take it anymore.

The boy laughed in my face. "Dhey'w gonna get maaaaawwiiiiied!"

The entire class laughed even more and kept chanting, "Awy an' Gawy! Awy an' Gawy!"

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