A Tale Of Two Dragons

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Sunlight beams concentrated on my face, occasional relief coming from the few trees around me blocking it briefly, only to return again soon after. I wasn't the hugest fan of the sun. It was usually just bothersome and draining to me.

It had been a restless night, waking up from constant nightmares that ranged from scary to being sad enough to have me awake in tears. The events of just a day ago were strong with me.

A Charizard had rampaged through my grandma and auntie's village due to a group of maniacs with guns inflicting pain to its body before killing the poor thing.

And I'd lost one of the first Pokemon I'd ever owned. My Beedrill. All because some coward of a Trainer got scared during the attack and ran away after we traded our Pokemon. She had good reason to be scared considering a Charizard was endangering the lives of everyone, but she took off with my Pokemon! My Beedrill! And she abandoned her own Kingdra. The trade was a good one really, at least for me, but it was the principle of it that mattered.

These thoughts and a few others remained with me as I walked, my hands shoved hard in the pockets of my jacket, not noticing the trees were vanishing completely. When the heat of the sun didn't break away after a while, my eyes remaining squinted at the ground below, my hand rose to block the sun and I came to a stop as I realized I was now standing on sand. My foot kicked through it and I looked up, seeing the sea before me. The salty scent of the water reached me and I inhaled even deeper the fragrance.

The sun glistened above it, the reflection twinkling on endlessly. The sight was surreal, peaceful in contrast to the traumatic thoughts in my head.

I had a sudden urge to gather up all of the troubles I had, put them into one big ball of pain, and throw them all into the water at once and just relieve myself of the stress I was feeling. I would've if such a thing were possible. My eyes shut as I inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself and just focus on the sounds of nature around me.

The waves moving and splashing against itself. The wind also pushing against it, through the sand, and maneuvering past me.

It was like building blocks being put into place. All of the problems I had been dealing with seemed to be arranging themselves into a more manageable position in my head. The overwhelming, emotional feelings I was going through were feeling a little more lessened as my problems were washed away from me and taken away to the skies and sea.

Maybe this feeling is what people talk about when they speak on meditating, I considered. Maybe I'm having one of those moments. Whatever it is, it's very calming. Reflective, and positive. Uplifting is a better word. Exhaling, a smile crossing my face, I opened my eyes. "AAAHHH!" I screamed and stumbled back at the sudden sight of the kid staring at me. "Who the hell??"

"Sorry about that," the kid apologized. "I was going to say something, but you seemed to be lost in thoughts and I didn't want to startle you, and then you suddenly turned around and... Well, sorry." He laughed.
I grabbed my chest, trying to calm down my heart from this sudden scare. "Well, what do you want?" I asked, a little angry at the interruption of my peaceful moment, and also embarrassed that this kid had seen me here meditating like a weirdo.

"Well, I noticed you're a Pokemon Trainer, and wanted to challenge you to a battle," he explained.

"A battle?" I repeated.

"Yeah," he nodded expectantly. "How about it?"
"Well..." I thought about it. I wasn't really in the mood for a Pokemon match right now, but maybe it would help relieve my stress a bit further.

"I should let you know one thing, though..." he started hesitantly.

"What's that?" I asked cautiously.

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