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My sneakers were a disgusting mess from sliding through the mud.

My favorite cap was soaked in rain.

My jeans and shirt were covered in mud from constantly falling to the soaked ground on my knees, crying.

I was trudging along a lonely road.

No June.

No Kiwi.

Just me, my six Pokemon safely in their Poke Balls.

My right eye was bothering me, and rubbing it with my filthy hands was only worsening it. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything or anyone. Depression selfishly took over any feelings within me that mattered.

I hadn't known June for very long. Only a little over a month. However, It hurt that she just left me like that, so unexpectedly. It hurt.

But, not as much as Kiwi leaving me did. My lifelong friend. My rival. I thought Kiwi was a lot stronger than that. She just abandoned all of our dreams so easily. What was she going to do with her Pokemon?

I couldn't blame either of them, though. It was crazy for me to still want to continue this journey.

My Pokemon were crazy for wanting to come along with me.

What was the point of all this? To gain notoriety? To own a powerful team of Pokemon? For what? What happens when I'm the strongest Pokemon Trainer? What next? Who even really cares? Is this really life? Am I helping anyone? Isn't there something more I could be doing with my life? Something more productive for the world and myself? So what if I catch all the Pokemon in the world? Then what? And if I never catch the supposedly endless amount of Pokemon in the world, is that my destiny? To just run around from region to region, country to country, city to city, state to state, looking for new Pokemon? Maybe some people are happy as researchers of these wondrous creatures, like Prof. Oak, but is the danger really worth putting myself and my friends through?

My dad suddenly popped into my mind. My head lifted to the sky.

The rain had ended, but the sky seemed to be promising more heavy rain.

I didn't care. Let it rain forever, until the entire world drowns. It was nothing short of a miracle I was still alive with what I'd been through so far on my journey. What had my dad been through? Why had he left mom and I? Was he just being as stupid as I was? Going for more when he had enough already? Pursuing a dream just to have one? Risking his life for reasons that didn't even exist? Was death my destiny as well? Death on the road pursuing a goal I can never achieve? Or let myself reach? A road I refuse to admit I've gone far enough on until it's too late? Like my dad?

These mad thoughts accompanied me in my throbbing brain as my feet grudgingly carried me on. I don't know how long I walked, but when I finally realized this, I stopped and looked up, and then made a slow circle. Where am I...?

Despite how long I walked, there were no signs of this forest ending anytime soon. Everything looked the same.

Taking out my Town Map, water dripping from me onto the paper, I tried to see where I was. It was impossible. I didn't know where to start to find out where I was. With a pissed grunt, I folded up the map and put it away, looking around in frustrated confusion. Fearing getting even more lost, but lacking few options, sighing, I walked straight ahead.

A light mist, comforting and saddening at the same time, sprayed against me, just barely enough to feel the moisture on my face.

"You worthless crap! Get out of here!" someone screamed.

I looked up in shock and froze.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you, stupid!" the yelling continued. "I'm gonna get your butt real good this time!"

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now