Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

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"Why don't you take Butterfree with you against a Dark Gym Leader?" June suggested. "Are you still afraid of Bug types?"

"It has nothing to do with that," I spoke moodily. "I have Primeape. He can beat Dark types easily. And all of my other Pokemon are more than capable of handling her. You saw the last match. She just barely won."

"You both were down to your last Pokemon, but Charmeleon was nowhere close to beating Tyranitar," June responded softly.

"Listen, June." Her words were irritating me now. "I can handle her. Just leave me alone and let us train."

"Whatever!" June's patience was officially through. "Having confidence is fine, but if you just wanna be an idiot by choice, so be it. I just feel sorry for your Pokemon." She stormed away, leaving me alone with my six Pokemon.







June and I had explored Dark City early in the dead freezing morning, our coats zipped all the way up, hoods pulled over our heads, looking for an area to train. It was only after reaching close to the end of the city that we had encountered a large opening hidden behind a pair of pretty tall, flimsy looking buildings made of planks, and even though I felt it wasn't as private an area as I would have desired, it was better than nothing.

Training began with straightforward moves at the air, each Pokemon in turn, for about half an hour. After a short break, they practiced landing attacks against each other.

The training was simple, and made me wonder just how effective any of this was for them, but it was also the only thing I could think of for them to do. How do other Trainers raise their Pokemon other than battling?

Now, my team was staring at me after the argument June and I just had.

There was a reason I hadn't taken Butterfree with me to battle Cleopatra, and it wasn't because of my fear of bugs. I didn't want to talk to Prof. Oak, yet. When Robin was with us, we had intended on calling Prof. Oak when we got to Dark City, but I didn't really want to talk to him at all.

I also could've sworn Robin breathed a sigh of relief when we had tried to call Prof. Oak but found that the phones were all occupied. Perhaps he didn't want to talk to him, either.

Personally, I just wasn't ready. Calling Prof. Oak made a discussion about Aly and Kiwi inevitable. I had traded my Baltoy for Dugtrio using my Pokedex, so he knew I was okay, but making another trade for Butterfree was too far. He might feel like I was purposely refusing to call him, which I was, but I didn't want him to catch on. And that was my stupid reason why I was gonna stick with the six I had.

I guess June is right, I thought. I hadn't meant to snap at her, but I really didn't want to think about the talk I'd have to have with Prof. Oak. I'd call him soon, but not right now. I just couldn't do it. I also knew I'd have to call my mom, too... With a sigh, my eyes narrowed on my Pokemon. "Back to work!" I ordered. "Hydro Pump Charmeleon, Kingdra! Move it!"

Charmeleon countered with Dragon Rage.

"Air Slash Primeape, Hoothoot!"

Primeape did its best to dodge the attack but was taken down by it, overtaken by Hoothoot's flight skills.

"Dugtrio, Dig!"

Dugtrio went underground and appeared underneath Weepinbell, tossing him into the air.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now