A Two-For-One Special

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"GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed angrily.

Robin's feet pounded the ground as he ran.

He got a damn head start, I thought bitterly, just inches behind him. I can't let him win! I closed my eyes, my teeth pressed against each other tightly as I ran as hard as I possibly could.

"Hey! Come on, guys!" I heard June cry from way behind us. "I can't run that fast!"

"I WIIIIIN!!!!!" Robin shouted at the top of his lungs.

I opened my eyes and saw him run past the sign.

Welcome To Dark City

There were some smaller words written underneath, but I blew right past the sign before I could read it and after several seconds, my feet finally slowed down to a complete stop, a few feet past Robin, who had a bright smile and an excited look on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I win! Good effort, there," Robin laughed.

I kept my hands on my knees and breathed heavily, glaring at him. "You had a head start!" I accused.

"Oh, come on," Robin teased. "I said the rules loud and clear. You should've been ready!" He was breathing hard, too, but he stood up straight and kept his smile plastered.

I looked away from him and gazed at the city we stood in.

It was pretty sandy and dusty, with even tumbleweeds rolling across the ground. Ranch style houses lined up with each other, stores built from cut wood dotting the area every so often. It felt like I was in a Old West movie. There were no roads or streets; just a sandy ground lying beneath my feet.

"What do you say we get to the Pokemon Center?" Robin asked, still struggling for air. "My Pokemon could use a little check up before heading off to battle Cleopatra."

"I wonder where the Gym is." I sniffed in the dry air.

Robin and I walked forward, looking for the Gym and the Pokemon Center.

"You have a plan for battling Cleopatra?" Robin questioned me.

"Kind of," I replied. "I mean, I think the Pokemon I have can more than take care of Dark type Pokemon. I'm gonna win no matter what."

"That's the spirit!" Robin cheered. "But after me. Ha ha ha ha ha!" He winked.

"My battle will be more epic than yours," I said eagerly, grinning.

"Epically boring," Robin retorted with a matching grin.

"From how easily I'll sweep through her team!" I said loudly.

Robin stopped talking, thinking about what I'd said. "BLAH! You got me..." he conceded. "But this will be my ninth Badge. So HA!"

It was my turn to be quiet. "Yeah, well, you can have all the Badges in the world. When we meet at the Pokemon League, we'll see what's what."

"You've got that right, buddy! And you better be a challenge, because we will not be losing!"

Our conversation was interrupted by a loud bang!

Robin and I turned to see the Pokemon Center, right before us!

It was also in an old fashioned, wooden, Old West fashion, but my attention was quickly snatched away by three people in black masks, dressed in black sweaters, black jeans, and black sneakers. They had kicked open the door to the Pokemon Center, the door flying open and hitting the front of the building, making the bang! noise, and were running out, a large, black bag slung over each of their shoulders.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now