Seeking Common Ground

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"Gary, you should save Primeape for if you encounter her Sneasel, or that Tyranitar," June was telling me. "Fighting moves are super effective against Ice types and Dark types, and Sneasel is both. So that's twice as much damage than if it were just one of the two types. And Fighting moves are great against Rock types, too. Tyranitar is Rock and Da-"

"I'm not an idiot, June!" I frowned at her. "I know what I'm doing!"

June glared back. "Oh, really? It sure didn't look like you knew what you were doing out there when you lost to her Tyranitar with your Charmeleon in the exact same way that you did the first time you fought her!"

I ignored her comment and looked away.

"Gary, won't you please think about this?" She grabbed my shoulder and stopped walking. "Gary!" I tried to brush her hand off of me, but she grabbed me with both hands and forced me to stop, turning me around. She had a mournful look on her face. "I see it, too," June spoke sadly.

My face softened just a bit. "Huh?"

"I see that look on Charmeleon's face," she explained. "Every time he battles that brute, he puts his entire heart into those matches, and comes up short. The pain, the shock, the disappointment. The frustration. I see it all. You see it, too, Gary. I know you want Charmeleon to win, but you can't let pride blind you. Charmeleon doesn't deserve to go through this! You love Charmeleon! Show it! Please!"

Our eyes never left each other's as we stood outside, a gentle breeze blowing just strands of June's hair into her face. It wasn't as cold out today as it had been before.

"June, trust in me," I told her. "The Obfuscous Badge is mine this time." I gently removed her hands from my shoulders and continued towards the Gym.

"Gary, did you at least get Butterfree? You really shouldn't risk anything!" June called after me. "You should be prepared!"

My body came to a stop at the Gym door.

June walked up next to me as I knocked.

A minute later, the door opened and Cleopatra stood there, towering over me, very close.

I backed up a couple of steps, embarrassed, and looked up in her eyes.

She wore black shoes and black stretch pants with a lightweight, white jacket zipped up. Without a word, she turned around and walked into her Gym.

June and I followed quickly.

The scene was the same as always, for the most part.

The referee, wearing the familiar clothes she always had, was in the middle of the battlefield, throwing kicks at Bisharp, as Bisharp dodged and returned its own set of dangerous kicks and punches.

June gasped as she watched the referee just barely dodge the blade covered arms and legs the vicious Pokemon was throwing her way.

The two stopped fighting as Cleopatra walked past them and entered her side of the field.

Bisharp and the referee bowed, and then they took their places, Bisharp next to Cleopatra, the referee outside of the battlefield.

June and I walked forward and took our places, too. June sat in a chair outside of the field on the opposite side from the referee, and I stood on my side of the field.

"Today will be a three-on-three Pokemon battle between Dark City Gym Leader Cleopatra, and Gary from Pallet Town!" the referee announced. "The Trainer to defeat all of the opponent's Pokemon is declared the winner! There will be no time limit! Let the battle start, now!"

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