05: Feminine Shopping

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A/N: WOW. Just... wow. I'm so sad. I was going to go with a different video, but I thought, hey, we're going to be seeing the famous Nina Hopkins. Maybe she has an AMV. Well... only one? That's disappointing. Someone needs to get on that! I know she doesn't show up a lot, but still. Everybody needs some loving. And yeah, I know she is a character that rarely pops up in fanfics, but why shouldn't she? Especially if she's the one designing the beautiful clothes a lot of these nobles wear.

I'm just saying, especially to those that like to write about the details in outfits and dresses your OCs wear.

But I'm not saying I love this character. She's a character in a sea of characters that I could choose from. I'm hoping to get around to writing about others, but for now she'll end up taking up the role of one of the 'older' and more 'sophisticated' women Lena comes across. I'm debating, still, if Madame Red will be introduced next or Francis Midford. I was going to have Francis first, but... hmm... I'm not sure yet. We'll see.

Yeah. I may post just one more chapter. I think I will. I doubt another one will be posted, (7), but I'll certainly post (6). Maybe not immediately, but tonight. Yeah, it's nighttime over here. I'm such a night owl.

[and by the way, I do LOVE this song. When I'm speeding down the road and cannot help but tap my fingers on the wheel when this song comes on the radio]


You really hate to go shopping.

You don't know how others, especially other women, can stand it. Spending hours going from place to place, picking out items and trying on clothing, only to put the clothes back and move on to something else. You're the type of person who goes into a store with a game plan and leaves as soon as possible. You don't like to waste your time, and when you are wasting your time, it's deliberate.

But, you're trying to learn how to go with the flow. To not let your impatience and anxiety take hold. While the world around you is still a bit fast paced, it wasn't as fast as it is during your time. Carriages moved at a fairly slow rate, never going as fast as a car driving down the highway. Conversations took forever, and you always had to sit there and endure it, even if the person and their words is relatively dull. You know it's only going to get worse as you encounter more and more people, and you've come to the decision that, yes, you need to find something to do. A job. A hobby. Something.

Until you find any real leads to the reasons why you're here, and you've already concluded that this isn't some dream, then you need to find something to do. Anything. You're starting to go mad with boredom.

So when you walked into the famous Hopkins' Tailor Shop, you couldn't help but notice, with a slight smile creeping onto your face, how fast paced everything was. Ladies were running around, even though there were only one or two customers in the shop. Everything was busy, as well as efficient. Just the way you like it.

And, well... the line of uniquely sized dresses, a few varying in size while most were only made in one style, one size, was... rather beautiful. You couldn't help but admit that. No wonder you were told this place is rather famous, even having customers during the day, before lunch, on a Tuesday.

"Hello ma'am. May I help you?" you heard one of the stylish looking workers ask, and you gave her a light smile before you went back to staring at a fairly dark dress that reminded you of someone who would dress up like a vampire and say they're from the Victorian era.

"Actually, yes. I was told that a Ms. Nina Hopkins is one of the best tailors around. I don't know if I have an appointment, but the name is Miss –"

"How perfect!!!" you heard someone squeal from across the crowded room, causing eyes to turn as a fairly aged woman with brown hair and brown eyes, with a pair of glasses upon her face, came trotting up to you with a wide smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes that made you hesitate. She looked like a cougar who had spotted their next victim, and you couldn't help but yelp in confusion as she grabbed your arm, tugging you slightly so she could see your face, and a tinted pink blush grew upon your face at her wide passionate eyes. "What a treasure! Yes!! You're just perfect for my next line of autumn clothing – no! Maybe my winter edition."

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