10: Casual Dinner Plans

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A/N: HEY!! So, actually, I was hoping to post this chapter earlier. Maybe go over it on Sunday or during the weekend? But I got busy. My mind was preoccupied with a bunch of stuff, so yeah. But we have reached that point in the story where I can write a bunch or random stuff with Undertaker! Woot!! I mean, I could have just jumped right in like a lot of other fanfic writers do, but that's not the sort of writer I am. But... yeah.

So this is a bunch of building up the relationship, and all that stuff. If there's anyone you want to see pop into my story or scenes you'd like to read, don't be afraid to ask. I'm actually writing about chapter 20 right now, so any suggestions won't show up until then... unless I decide to put them in later. I doubt I'll reach any lemon stuff anytime soon. Maybe I'll build up to it? And I thought about splitting the story up or not. Maybe if I've reached 40+ I'll think about that sort of thing, especially if I haven't reached the actual conclusion to the story, yet. And I may do a sequel that'll be a lot more... fluffy and unrealistic. I mean, this story in general isn't going to reflect the manga as much as the anime, probably. I'm not quite sure yet. I mean, there could be bizarre dolls and all that fun stuff, but honestly, I don't know where the story is heading, and if Undertaker dies I'll be so sad! So I don't like expecting something to happen, and then it doesn't.

Anyways, I'll stop ranting so much! Just a quick update. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!


Days turned into weeks, and you couldn't help but enjoy the Undertaker's company. Okay, sure. Yes, he's an oddball. Probably a lunatic that has just left some asylum, but then again he's also a strangely sweet and thoughtful guy, who has a nice sense of humor.

A morbid one.

The same sort of humor as yourself.

Plus, you don't even have to put in any effort to get the man to laugh. He laughs at the most mundane reasons. Maybe he has a screw loose?

But with your experience with those death creatures, they are all strange individuals. From the research you've uncovered over the years, you know how they are born, as well. Through suicide.

Plus, you would have had to go through some mental and psychological trauma to decide such a path, only to be forced into an existence of seeing death no matter where you go. You know because... at one point it seemed like an easy way out, but it's not. You know that now, but there was a time in your life that you thought about putting your own life into your hands like that. No, you'll just live day by day. Hope for death, but not expect it to just show up because you want it to.

And, well, there's something about this reaper that keeps you interested. Not at all bored. Why? You have no idea. Maybe it's just because he's amusing?... Or the secrets he probably holds, which he easily avoids.

Plus that mop of hair over his face.

And are his nails naturally black, or just painted on? Is there such a thing as nail polish in this time period? You should look into that.

"'Elloooo~, ehehehehe~" you heard a familiar voice from behind you, a bit too close to your ear, and all you could do is let out a slight sigh in response.

"Is something wrong, Undertaker? Sir? –"

"Nothing~~. I was wondering if you wanted some tea," you heard him ask, and you gave him a slight smile over your shoulder before turning back to your work.

"If you have a lemon, then certainly, but I won't be drinking that tea for another half hour. I'm still working on our little guest."

"Alright," he responded, slipping out of the room, only to slip back into the room only a few moments later with a thoughtful look on his face, causing you to glance over at him curiously, as he gave you a glance and then walked right out.

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