23: Ghostly Phantom

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Sorry for not posting another chapter sooner. I kind of... lost track of time. Honestly, I had wanted to post something, but then I thought I'll finish a chapter I was working on... but instead of doing all of that I've been playing sims 4 and rewatching hellsing ultimate. Yes, I'm a great procrastinator of procrastination.

But anyways, yes, Lena is a bit of a magical girl. Yep. Certainly is. But hey, when you live in the universe of black butler why not? This is just another chapter in a sea of chapters. I'll try to find a good video, but... meh. Sometimes they get picked at random. I hope to post the next chapter before I go back to work and end up getting tired all of the time.

If you're living in America, I hope you guys enjoyed your break. I certainly did. And... I hope to post the next chapter tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes. ENJOY!!!


"What are you saying?" Sebastian asked as you walked around your room, and he watched as you slipped on clothes that wouldn't be fitting of a lady, dark and dreary like you were trying to blend in with the darkness.

"It's all written down in the letter I handed you, but I cannot stay here –"

"Explain. Did we do something wrong? –"

"Nothing Ciel did was wrong. In fact, he's been such a kind host to me," you smiled at the thought before turning your attention to the demonic butler, glaring at him before your eyes softened slightly. "I have a lead, when it comes to figuring out why I was thrown back into time, like this."

"Then let me help –"

"You are not helping. In fact, I need you to stay away from me –"

"Why?" he smirked slyly, but you shook your head as you scoffed, your butt sitting down on a chair as you tugged on your long black, tight combat boots, which don't fit in this time and age at all, but somehow they happened to be here, with you.

"I need to lure them out, and being close to a devil like you is preventing them from doing that –"

"And what if these... things try to harm you? The master would not let me do nothing, if that were the case –"

"You should worry more about that soul you want to eat then me," you decided to say with another huff leaving your breath. "The moment I lure these creeps out, they may go after Ciel. I don't know if he's truly my ancestor or not, but he holds the name of Phantomhive. He's a prime target for whoever they may be."

"... And who are these creatures, if I may ask?" you heard the butler ask, his aura seemingly dark, but you ignored it as you tapped on your boots, making sure they were in place with a smirk before standing to your feet and turning your attention to the butler.

"An angel, at least one. Maybe multiple. I don't know," you told him, and you watched as his crimson red eyes turned bright and hypnotic, but you turned away before you could be entranced and continued to walk around the room in a casual manner, his eyes shifting to watch as you took the precious, scratched and tarnished, Phantomhive family ring from the dresser, and you let out a tired breath before slipping the ring onto your left hand, staring at the blue gleam for a moment before glaring back at the butler with a new sense of determination. "But there's an angel involved. That much I know, and possibly other entities. It's either one of two extremes, they want me dead or they want to use me, and I bet the latter.

"But, I bet Ciel will eventually become a target. Either as leverage... or they'll try to kill him. Even if that were to kill me off too," you scoffed at the idea, but you noticed the demon smirking slyly at your words.

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