12: Fluttering Heart Beat

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A/N: Once again, sorry for making promises I couldn't keep. Maybe I should stop saying I'd post the next chapter right after the first one, cause I, once again, fell asleep and forgot about it. Anyways, here's the next chapter. Kind of closing up this little set of dinner scenes and back and forth. Just setting up some cuteness between Lena and Undertaker. Once again, if you guys want certain scenes or moments added into the story, I haven't gotten too far quite yet so I wouldn't mind adding some extra little stuff.

And for those who just read Chapter 141 of the manga... GEEZE! Seeing real-Ciel watching our-Ciel from afar was VERY creepy. I mean, really. Out of everything I've encountered in the manga series, from death to reveals and even the bizarre dolls and the entire kidnapping scenes, I think THAT was what freaked me out the most. Just... was real-Ciel even aware what was going on? It's just... UGH. I can't stand it. Beatings, fine. Rape, fine. A corpse that's supposed to be dead watching me do a bunch of stuff, and our-Ciel happened to be sitting on top of real-Ciel in the parlor? Yeah. Not fine. Nope. No. No, no.

But Undertaker is STILL my favorite character, by far. Even before the 'big reveal' of him being some reaper and stuff, I just loved his character/personality in general. Always figured there was something hiding underneath those locks of hairs, though...

Okay. Enough about that. Because of the next chapter I kind of got a brain fart, too. It's going to take me a while to process all of that, but hey. I don't think I'll stop writing this story I'm creating. Just know that it probably won't weave in the manga story perfectly, and there's peculations I've come up with and theories and whatever woven in as well, even if it's not confirmed or not. But hey. I'm trying, at least. I'll just say events may parallel each other, but at some point it'll sway away from the actual telling of the story... just so THIS story won't have to be reimagined. That's all. So don't get too mad about that.

So, ah, yeah. I think that's about it, though I will say I just joined that amino app. I don't know what I'll do with my account on there, but... YEAH! I spent two hours gobbling up the Black Butler community on there, so hopefully I won't spend too~~ much time on there. Maybe I'll put up random polls from time to time? Use it as a way to show off this story?? Or an excuse to start drawing again?... Or a way to come up with writing prompts? Don't know. But I love the theories I read on there. I lot of fun.

Well... enough about that. ENJOY!!!


"Maybe that's why I enjoy your company so much."

You couldn't stop the full blown blush that began to appear on your cheeks. 'Did I just say that?!!'

'Yes,' you heard Cyrus snickering in your head, and you could only let out a slight scoff leave your breath before staring back at the bangs that shielded you from those shinigami eyes, that you knew was there, looking right at you.

You could feel the eyes of Death beating down upon you, and while that would usually unnerve a mortal creature, for you, it was an ordinary occurrence.

You waited, patiently, for the man to speak. Would he be angry that his cover was blown? Perhaps confused or amazed? Fearful? Cautious?? Or more possibly... curious?

"No wonder your eyes seem so fascinating," you heard him respond, a snicker, once more, leaving his breath, and for a split second you thought it may have been Cyrus speaking in your head, laughing at your failed attempt at another friendship, but apparently not. You watched as his bangs swayed, and for a split second you could see a greenish gleam looking back at you, before they disappeared behind that annoying silver curtain as he grinned deviously in your general direction. "Most humans don't bother to notice the supernatural, and even less the dead.

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