22: The Unpleasant Dream

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Hey guys!

I've been busy all week, going to work and feeling exhausted, but I know a lot of people have been starting school lately. So, I decided to start reviewing a few more chapters. At least this one I'll post. Maybe I'll post a few more after I'm less stressed out.

But this is the beginning of a set of events bringing the plot forward. It gets a bit... stuck towards the end, but I tried my best! I kind of like where this story is going, but these scenes will reveal a bit more about Selena.

So, yes, Cyrus can talk in Selena's head. They're two souls in one body... but the details can be revealed later. If you guys are confused, well, there's the explanation.

And if you guys have any good ideas don't be afraid to COMMENT, or if you just like the story I'd love to hear from you guys! I'm not quite sure what this 'angel' will be. Maybe... Ash/Angelina or some random angel. What do you guys want? Should I make up an angel or use an already existing one?

Lastly, I'm not sure if I'll add the manga timeline with real-Ciel still being alive because of Undertaker. I'm... honestly not sure if I'll go that far with the story. I want this story to end happily, so certain things may not happen and other things may. That's why I'm not quite sure with who the 'angel' in this part of the story is. I have an idea on where this is going, but I'm still not quite sure. But hey. I'm trying. And since we don't know our-Ciel's real name I cannot simply use that name, either.

But there we go! This chapter doesn't leave any big cliffhangers, so I probably won't post another chapter until after I'm done with everything that's going on in my life. It won't be long! After all, I'm off starting Labor Day.

Okay! I hope you guys ENJOY this chapter!! SEE YOU GUYS SOON!!!


'Everything has been very strange.'

"... Meaning?" you decided to ask, sensing that Undertaker wasn't within earshot to hear you, as you began to strip out of your daily clothes and put on your long, strangely warm nightgown.

'The pieces are falling into place, but not a soul has revealed itself to be the sole reason why we're stuck here. Do you think one of us did this?'

"... No. I don't believe that," you scoffed, tugging on the end of the nightgown before you placed your dirty clothes aside before crawling into the large bed, slipping into the covers and plopping your head onto the pillow. "Eyes have been staring at us for a long while now. The question is..."

'... What type of eyes?'

"Do you think... our aunt was so reckless and contracted her soul?" you had to ask, wondering if your suspicions are true, and all you got in response was a snort.

'Probably. That woman is crazier than mother and father combined. It's an obvious spell or some sort of magic. It's not like we're here because we want to be. But... I'm worried.'

"We'll get through this –"

'No, I mean that Undertaker. Reaper. You're getting too close again. What if he dies or something?'

"... We aren't supposed to be here," you stated, curling up into the sheets and letting a yawn leave your breath, "and I won't be the cause of his death. I swear... I hope..."

'... We should try to find some information. Maybe the thing is hiding amongst the reapers –'

"For now, I sleep. Let me be," you mumbled, closing your eyes as you felt your mind floating off to dreamland, and hoping that Cyrus was wrong... about Undertaker dying because of you. There's this feeling in your gut that he may just end up dead. That may be why you never see him in the future. After all, if he's so close to the Phantomhives then why isn't he close to you? Or... did he abandon them? That's another possibility you didn't want to believe.

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