33: Deathly Waltz

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A/N: Aww~, look! Our darling Undertaker has arrived. About time!!

I'm kind of surprised how LONG this is taking. I REALLY wanted to write this ball scene, eh? The next chapter is also at this ball. But yeah.

The video I had picked this time was something I had picked 2yrs ago. Obviously my ideas for the videos had changed from then to now. I had wanted to place down a 'waltz' tune to put you guys in the mood, I'm guessing. I do like this music but there was another one that was preferable, so... hmm... I don't know if I should have changed it or not. Anyways, think of THIS song being played as Undertaker and Selena danced the night away.

I'd like for you guys to keep in mind that going out to balls and socializing all the time is part of the noble lifestyle, for Victorian England. Or even Europe, I guess. While the world is changing due to the Industrial Revolution, there are nobles out there not having a care in the world about poverty and the like. Who only care about having a good time. Being in the right friend circles, etc. Personally I don't know how many of these balls Selena may end up going to, but if she goes to another ball I'll try to make everything shorter. I probably won't have a dressing up scene and just show the dress she's wearing at the bottom, get what I needed said, and move on. But of course, this sort of 'easy laidback' lifestyle, at least for ladies, isn't something Selena is used to. Or wants.

This is just for later in the story. If I forget to say something in a later chapter about this.

I want to start moving forward with the plot. I think I'm establishing Undertaker and Selena's relationship rather nicely? It's already chapter 33. This needs to move along. So... yeah. Anyways, I'll leave this here for a moment and continue this later. ENJOY!!!


I watched from behind my long fringes as a particular lady danced across the floor, her somber purple dress complimenting her bluish features. The unnatural candle lights illuminated the bluish fringes in her black hairs, and I cannot help but smile meekly to myself as I watched her dance...

With some boy, who still looked wet behind the ears, causing the lady to smile slightly, yet glare every so often at the boy's words.

Is this jealousy I feel?

Well... if she's trying to make me jealous she's doing a very good job! –

"I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Undertaker," I heard a voice speak, and I turned to smile sweetly at the red lady who got my attention.

"Lady Red. Or is it Madame Red?" I smirked as I kissed her black gloved hand, while she giggled at my words as I lifted my upper chest from my bowing to stand beside her, while she sat comfortably upon a plush red throne.

I couldn't help but notice her butler. A grim reaper, obviously, by his scent, but why would a reaper disguise himself as a butler?

Pah. Like I'm one to talk.

"Did you come because of our medical associates, or for a different~ reason, hmmm~?" she hummed, flipping open her red and black painted fan, and I gave her a curious glance before staring at the girl that gracefully danced across the floor... even if her partner was a lackluster oaf.

"Are you implying something, my dear?" I smirked in her general direction, but of course she couldn't see who exactly I was looking at. "But why, I must ask, would lovely Baroness Burnett be out and about at night, when I have heard of some interesting news."

"News? What sort of news?"

"About a particular set of young ladies disappearing in the middle of the night. Haven't you heard~?" I giggled slyly in her direction, and she scoffed and fanned her face as she pondered my words.

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