34: Ghost of a Rose

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So, yeah! I didn't want to take up a bunch of the top of the last chapter talking and ranting. So... this chapter is the LAST chapter I had written from 2018. Beyond chapter 34 it'll be all brand new. Newly written material.

I've kept your guys' thoughts in mind while continuing on with the story, btw. Luckily, the next chapter started with a 'scene' change where time has passed. That's good. You guys also haven't really commented about HOW you'd like this story to go. Would you like more human interactions? Maybe I should start doing reaper interactions?? I still need to delete and rewrite a couple of chapters I had written, but now I'm not the biggest fan of. Don't worry, they're the last couple of chapters in the 40+ chapter. So I have a lot of material to post right now! Anyways, if you guys have ANYTHING you want to say about this story, like if you'd like to see one thing or another, I'll try to add it in. I probably won't be doing some sort of Easter special. In Selena's world Easter has already passed, at this point, but maybe a summer thing? Hmm~~? I have a bit of a cuteness showing up after this ball parter passes, so look forward to that! I decided to work on building up their relationship a tad, so... yeah.

And yes, Undertaker's first name is Cedric. I think you guys know where THIS story's backstory is going. I don't know about the Undertaker's last name, though. It's like Ros.... Or Ro.... And a lot of people have interpreted his last name in all sorts of ways. I'm under the group of people that Cedric K. Ro.... Is probably the Undertaker, and if you haven't read the manga I highly recommend you do so! Even if I may not follow those same manga plot beats. We'll see. But anyways, maybe I'll have his last name be Rossdale? I was going to go with something like Rose or Rosedale, but no one has used Rosedale yet. I don't know...

I'm personally a fan of just using Adrian Crevan as Undertaker's 'true' name in stories, though. Even if it feels like Toboso is 'implying' that Undertaker could be part of the Phantomhive family tree. After all, why would the reapers NOTICE that particular name, under Ciel's family tree chart. Yeah, that's going to mean Undertaker is related to our protagonist here. I had noticed how some comments were wondering about that, so yes it's true. That was my true intent from the beginning, but HEY!! Keep in mind that several generations have past, here. It's not like Selena is Undertaker's granddaughter. More like great-great-great-maybe even more greats, granddaughter... sort of thing here. I'm sure Francis has a problem with it, though. Though I'm sure why she doesn't like what's going on between the two of them has to do with Selena looking JUST like her mother and then the Undertaker in general. I personally don't know YET why she doesn't like him... to an extent, but I'm keeping that vague~~ because it's more fun that way.

If that is weird for you guys I apologize, but back in the day cousins would marry each other, like what Lizzy and Ciel have to do. And while I don't condone sibling marriages, there are places that still do that. Ah, but when it comes to this story it's correct to think that Undertaker is distantly related. At least, I think that's what Toboso was implying when they placed that family tree into the Green Witch arc. After all, she doesn't seem like the author to place something without a reason. There's a reason why the reapers take notice about the Phantomhive tree. Hmm... I will say this though, while I do believe Undertaker is Vincent's father, I'm not sure about Francis. For all we know, they could have two different fathers. Maybe Countess Claudia, or rather Cloudia, married properly, had Vincent, but then had Francis with that husband of hers. I don't think Undertaker would have married Claudia. That just isn't what would have happened, with how the story has set everything up. But it could explain how Francis and Elizabeth are great masters of swordsmanship, so... yeah? COMMENT your thoughts!!! Because I'm curious about what you guys think of those theories!!

I don't even know if I'll go into the backstory of Claudia, though. Personally, I don't think we'll have time! Maybe imply something? But it will be scandalous if a noble lady had TWO children out of wedlock. I'm sure if Claudia wanted to maintain her family name she'd marry some guy before anyone could notice the bulge she was growing. Or maybe Francis came first? Then Vincent?? It hasn't been STATED in stone, so... I liked to think that Francis was first. She acts like the 'older sibling', if you know what I mean. The one time we see the two siblings interacting in a flashback she's bossy with Vincent. Insistent about upholding the family name, and personally I think I came to the conclusion Vincent may be younger because he certainly has the ATTITUDE of a younger brother. Acts like the world falls at his feet. That everything is easy. That sort of crap. I mean, maybe Francis was going to train to be the next heir, only for Vincent to pop into the picture a few years later? Or a couple?? That's a thought. But, hey! I don't even know if I'll even care to elaborate on that backstory stuff, anyways.

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