**** A/N: Wow! 18k Views?!! ****

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Hey guys!! Long time no see!!

Seriously though, it's been, what? Almost a year and a half since I posted another chapter to this story and a full two years since I first started this story... Wow!! It's been way too long!

So... you must be wondering why I'm back. Well, if I'm going to be perfectly honest, I had fallen out of writing this story and posting it. Lost inspiration to do so. There's a lot of factors to why I stopped posting this story, but I'm sure you guys are wondering why I'm suddenly back!

Well... long story short, I've been rather bored lately. There's not a lot of stories being posted on fanfiction.net in general and while I have work to go to, still, I've been kind of stuck. In a rut. And then... suddenly I decided one day to just take a look at my wattpad account and noticed just how many people have read this story. Like, seriously!! 18k+! I mean, the whole reading thing for wattpad is still a bit weird, but I have at least 1k+ who have read through the story. The most out of any story I've written on this site! I'm just... amazed, and also thankful!! I'd also have to blame you guys. I had so many notifications and while I was bored at work, cause business is as slow as a snail, I finally took the time to skim through the notifications and noticed just how many readers have favorited and commented on this story. Out of all the stories I have posted on this site!! So... yeah, while I blame you guys I'm also thankful. The flood of comments, in general, even into 2020 made me wonder just why and how so many readers are reading this story.

And... wow. I really am thankful for all of you guys. Seriously, I am.

So... that's the short version [yeah I know short? Seriously??] of why I've suddenly popped back up and out of hiding, but I'll go over the long winded version, if you care. Cause it can help explain why I've just disappeared off of this website for so long.

Firstly, I stopped writing this story initially cause I didn't like where the story was going. Not that I didn't enjoy it! In fact, I've tried time and time again to have a bit of a rewrite of this exact same story, with a different premise. Time traveler, Phantomhive, looks just like Countess Claudia. Yeah... many, many times. But... yeah, I don't know. I've changed the overall names of everyone when I rewrote this story, and I think I just wanted to make the story more action packed. I've reread all the chapters I have posted here, and there is a BUNCH [holy crap], and I've realized a reason I stopped writing was because I wasn't reaching what I wanted to reach. For example, lemons. Sexy scenes. There's none of that, though there is gore and rather rude and terrible humor [yeah I'm sorry about that if you were expecting something else from this story]. Also, Selena, or Lena I guess, not kicking any real ass. In some of my rewrites, [though honestly I'd probably just call them brand new stories with a twist that is similar to this story] I have the OC with these magical powers or had unlocked something. I don't think I really did that with Lena... sadly. And I think the biggest problem was that I wasn't sure WHERE this story was going. If Lena was going to travel forward in time or maybe I decided she wasn't going to. How the story would end, in other words. At some point I'm pretty sure I wasn't sure on where the plot was going. And I got lost. VERY LOST... and hit a writer's block wall.

Secondly, my mind turned to pokemon. I'm still a bit sad that no one really reads my pokemon stories... while they are rather OC based. I wanted to do a nuzlocke story and I've tried many Rocket-inspired stories, but yeah. Nothing seems to attract a lot of people. Don't get me wrong. I don't write for the views! But knowing that people are reading my stories does give me some inspiration to keep writing. Knowing that there are people out there waiting for that next chapter keeps me motivated to write/review and then post a new chapter. And, yeah. I learned this years ago, just because I know how horrible I am with keeping up with a story. I don't post EVERYTHING. Not all at once. Cause I may decide, before I post, that I want to change certain parts of the story. Or add details that will make sense later in the story. Stuff like that. So all that talk that I have about 30+ chapters written was true [and if I didn't say 30+ and something lower, yeah. It's 30+ chapters I have saved to this story], but considering everything... I don't know if I'll use all those chapters.

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