26: Destroying the Tainted

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A/N: HEY GUYS! I'm super stoked to post another chapter, thanks to all of your encouraging comments and views.

I would have posted this sooner, but I needed a break from my thoughts. Plus, I decided to wait until after I got home from work today. I'm not QUITE finished with how I'm going to go forward in this story yet, but I think I have some ideas so... yeah!

I'll tell you this, when I was writing this back in the day I was having a LOT of fun doing so. Though, these fight scenes always take a lot of effort and creative thought out of me. And considering how this chapter ends, I'll try to post the next chapter asap. But I was wondering still... do you guys want to see more action scenes like this or would you like me to continue to push forward in the story? Ah, I still don't have Selena properly interacting with the reapers yet... and I haven't decided HOW I'm going to go about doing that.

But I won't keep you guys long, this time. So... yeah! This is just a display of the stuff Selena can do. Just to clarify, she has this cloak. A 'cloak of Death' as it were. How she came across that clock? Well~... that's something I hope to expand upon in this story. But it's like an invisibility cloak. That's the thought process I had when I was thinking up such an item... or like Hades' invisibility helmet. I figured, if Death's cloak would be magical it'd probably be invisible. So... yeah. And if anything else is unclear don't be afraid to leave a comment! However, I'll explain a bit more about this entire stuff after the next chapter... maybe. Hopefully. If I remember to.

Okay that's it! ENJOY the chapter and I hope you guys are doing well.


You cursed your unluckiness.

A group of reapers were currently standing at the bridge, scythes in hand as they talked to one another and frantically looked around. Behind you were a few pursuers, noticing your blurry image and giving chase. "Well shit," you couldn't help but wheeze, but you decided that running past a bunch of blades that could potentially kill you was better then jumping off of the high cliff into the frigid waters below. Besides, you didn't want to accidently kill anyone.

The moment you stepped onto the bridge you let in a deep breath, holding your breath as you came to a slow stop, carefully walking across the wooden bridge as reapers began to shout and look around, utterly confused.

"What happened?! I can't see anyone!"

"They disappeared!!"

"But it's still around here, right?"

"They stole an important document. We must retrieve it!!"

But the shouts around you grew still and quiet as you concentrated. Concentrated on, a, holding your breath so you couldn't be spotted as you walked, and b, trying to avoid the frantically moving bodies as they rushed over the bridge. Luckily for you, no one had the common sense to glance down to look at their shadows, to notice one drifting ever so calmly from one side of the bridge to the other, and... the moment you stepped foot on the other side of the bridge, you took a few steps before hiding within the shadows, and let out the stale breath you were holding.

The moment you noticed someone spotting you, who had a bit more common sense then the others, you took off in another run, this time rushing down a darkened alleyway.

"It blends into the shadows! It must be a demon!!" a fairly young sounding reaper shouted as others began to follow after him, and you knew you had to lose the boy. He may be young and naïve, but he hasn't been corrupted enough by the society to not see you easily. That always seems to be the case. Either the very young reapers see right through you, or the somewhat old and ancient notice that you're roaming about.

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