24: Creeping in the Dark

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A/N: HEY GUYS!! Long time no see!! Really, long time no see.

So after a long time of being away, I decided to return to write more of this story. Just because, a, I'm bored and didn't want to start writing another fanfic from scratch, and b, I noticed that, WOW, there's more then 18k views on this story! I won't go on a long rant cause I did that already, but WOW! Thank you guys! SO MUCH!! I've stopped caring about likes and views and stuff like that cause I don't want my writing to be influenced by my views and likes and whatever, but seeing SOOO many people reading this story was... nice. So, I decided to go back and reread this story and, well, it put me back into a mood to write this story again.

This was the first story out of a sea of fanfics that I've tried to write about time traveling main OCs. Though, in all the other stories since I've changed Selena's name into something else, sometimes even Claudia, and how I wanted the story to go, but... yeah! This story really wasn't that bad. I think I was getting burnt out when I was having Selena go to Nina Hopkins and letting her get introduced to a handful of people. But, introductions are over so I can move on with the story!

I'll say this though: I haven't completely gone through every chapter I've written, yet. I AM enjoying what I've written so far, but these next few chapters kind of coincide with the chapter 23 that was posted in 2018. I wouldn't feel right in NOT posting these next chapters, but hey! That means I'm not starting entirely from scratch!! And I can have some chapters up for you guys in the upcoming months. And apparently wattpad has a system now where you can schedule when you post a chapter? Maybe I'll try that out?? But unless my home wifi connection is getting all wanky, again, I don't think I'll do that scheduling thing. So... yeah! I haven't finished reading EVERYTHING, but up to about chapter 29 seems... decent enough. I would have posted this chapter sooner but I had work on Saturday. So... yeah.

And also, I haven't reposted videos for EVERY chapter yet. Maybe I'll finish doing that today? And I'm reformatting the 'tabs', or rather the title for each chapter. Just so everything is a bit more clear. I like things numbered so, yeah! But it's not a big change, honestly. I won't be going back to rechange all the a/n's I've written. Too much work. So... I think that's it! I'll stop talking here. And I hope you ENJOY this chapter and the chapters proceeding this one!! It's going to get rather spicy, I have to say.

BTW, the video I'm using for this chapter is a video I had saved for this chapter. So... meh. I do enjoy this 'undertaker' amv video, so enjoy it!!


The thought of that girl and what she was up to never left my mind as I went about my work.

Today was... a gloomy day. A day I haven't felt in a very long time. Usually the little rose brightens my day as she walks through that door, but sadly... no.

I could only stand attending to two guests before I gave up and slumped into one of my many coffins, the lid taken off as I stare up at the web covered ceiling with a thoughtful look on my face. Just... what sort of spell has the little human put upon me? I must be becoming soft, these days.

In the span of a couple of centuries, here I am, falling head over heels for a mere mortal human girl who may have some charms, but that's about it. I shouldn't be so infatuated, but I am.

Is it because of the girl's straightforwardness? Her utter excitement over the dead?

Her love for sweets??

Or because she's a Phantomhive? Another heir to a title that, in her words, is cursed. Is it though? I never assumed it was. Maybe that demon butler has something to do with that...

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