17: Baffling Giddiness

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I returned from my vacation, and wow! I'm so surprised by the votes and such I saw for this story. And a few of the comments. I'm glad to see that you guys like my writing! That only motivates me to post more chapters!

Sadly, I didn't get to review/write anymore chapters during my vacation. I was at a lodge cabin in the middle of the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, far beyond civilization... and any real wifi connection. And the electricity was... eh. Not the best. So I decided to keep my computer off the entire time. Well, I got to enjoy nature. So there you go!

But anyways, I'm glad to see that you guys are reading this story, still! I wasn't sure about continuing forward with the story, but hey. If you guys seem to like it I'll continue to write. I would have posted this sooner... but the website/my wifi connection has been shotty. So I waited till the next day to post this.

We dive more into the Midford household, but after this chapter I think we'll be leaving this household behind... for now. If you guys want to see more of the household, like Lizzie or Edward or even Francis... or even Alexis too, if you want, I can certainly add the characters into the story more! Yeah, I know I said I'd be placing Madame Red into the story as well, but for now I don't think it's entirely necessary... but maybe later?

Now I won't keep you from reading the chapter. ENJOY!!! And of course, if you have any COMMENTS, don't be afraid to say anything! Any feedback or personal thoughts are always appreciated!


You were honestly surprised that Ciel decided to stay for dinner, or rather he was forced into it, and the man of the household, Alexis, was a fairly smiling and happy person, even though he looked rather... muscular and old with his mustache and wrinkling face.

But, that was completely fine by you.

The six of you were seated around the dining room table and you politely thanked the butler that placed your desert in front of your face, but you couldn't help and lick your lips. If you had a camera you'd be taking a picture of this beautifully cut piece of cake right about now, chocolate, with a raspberry looking layer in the middle, drizzled with chocolate sauce with a little bit of whipped cream on the side. "Do you like cake, Lady Rose?"

"A-ah, yes. Very much. Actually, chocolate," you chuckled happily, your smile grinning from ear to ear while Alexis chuckled in amusement.

"Wonderful! The ladies happened to buy this expensive French cake from... which bakery, my dear?"

"Le Café La Vie," Francis stated bluntly, letting the butler place her cake in front of her body before turning her attention back to her husband. "It's a famous French bakery in the middle of London. Many nobles go there for their pastries."

"I bet the food is expensive," you decided to say, and you heard a sigh leaving Elizabeth's breath, who was sitting right beside you. "Something the matter?"

"Oh. I was wondering... do you know of any bakeries in London, Selena?"

"Actually, there is one. It reminds me of home," you smiled lightly to yourself, and when you noticed you had caught the attention of everyone sitting at the table, though Ciel seemed a bit bored with the conversation in general, you decided to elaborate. "It's a small German bakery located only two blocks from where I work. Whenever I need to order or gather flowers, I always stop by that bakery on the way back."

"What do they have?" you heard Alexis ask with a curious tone in his voice, and you gave him a light smile, slowly picking up your outer fork as you gazed at the cake on your plate.

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