06: The London Townhouse

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A/N: SORRY GUYS! I was going to post this last night, but I passed out and when I woke up I decided to just go to bed, but I'm posting this now, before I head into work. And I couldn't really find a good video to fit this chapter. We'll just call it foreshadowing. So... YEAH. ENJOY!!!


"What do you think?" you smiled nervously, watching Baldroy's reaction go from shock to a deep red blush. You had to stop yourself from giggling and embarrassing him further, and you turned your attention back to the woman who escorted you outside, even if you didn't need it. "I believe your style works."

"I'm glad you enjoy it!" Nina exclaimed with an excited gleeful giggle leaving her breath.

"You can send me the other six dresses when you're done with them –"

"I'll have them finished at the end of the week! And when I come by you can take a look at some new designs I have for you."

"I-if you want to. Just because they're pretty doesn't mean I can buy every dress. Some of the materials look very expensive," you decided to tell her, but she shrugged her shoulders and shoved a flat box, which contained the dress you had been wearing, giving you a cheeky grin in return.

"Don't worry so much. Be good to this little dearie. She's an absolute delight!" she grinned, waving to you and Baldroy, and you watched as he jumped down from his post on top of the carriage, gently snatching the box from your hands, and placing it inside of the carriage.

"Well, Lady Rose. Is there anywhere you'd like to go today before we head back to the manor?"

You let a slight hum leave your breath, and while you were a bit hesitant in asking, you might as well do so. "I don't know if this is proper of me to ask, but... London. Just how many cemeteries are there? Do you know??"

"C-cemeteries? That's a ghastly thing to care about –"

"I'm just curious. That's all," you shrugged your shoulders, but it was obvious to you that your intrigued gleam in your eyes was showing, and you glanced away, hoping he'd give you a straight answer.

"At the moment, I believe it's around twenty. Possibly thirty, but there are a lot of small graves and cemetery plots. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering," you shrugged once more before sighing and stepping into the carriage, "but the ride to the manor is a long one, isn't it? So let's not doddle for too long."

"You're the boss!" you heard Baldroy shout, the two of you both glad that the conversation was over.

But as you sat back down, feeling the carriage finally taking off down the street, you grabbed the local newspaper you happened to grab within Mrs. Hopkins' shop, and honestly you doubted anyone would be missing it. You decided to start reading the daily news, curious to read what exactly is going on in London, and the surrounding countryside.

And are you really surprised to read about some suspicious behavior in the east side of the city? Or that there's a new candy shop opening in the center of the marketplace? But, your eyes turned their attention to the job listings, your eyes glancing at the various job descriptions written in the paper. Very minimum wage sort of work, but hey. At least it's something. Maybe you should get yourself a new job?... Or a job in general??

You should probably ask Ciel about this, just in case he has a problem with you trying to earn your own money. Maybe he'll be a stubborn boy and think women shouldn't have lucrative jobs, or maybe he doesn't want his reputation to be slandered if you're running around the city looking for work. You don't know, but...

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