38: Daily Shopping

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A/N: HEY GUYS!! Sorry for not posting for a long while, but I was taking a bit of a break. Mainly catching up on a particular part of this story that I wanted to wrap my mind around, first, before going back to posting for the story.

Anyways, I really wanted to write something fun, and since Undertaker planned out a whole picnic I figured I'd have Selena plan out a dinner. It'll also show her different influences.

I know at the beginning she said that she's a mix of British and Polish, I think, but I decided that, yep, that was a lie. Not quite a big lie, but still a lie. So, I'm going to be real here, I'm a complete mutt. A mix for various European genes on my dad's side and Filipino/Asian genes on my mom's side. Personally, I want to take one of those ancestry tests because I think it'd be pretty cool to see what exactly I have.

At the beginning I was just thinking, meh, I'll have her be a mix of what my dad is. Mainly Polish, and a bit of everything else. But, I realized maybe I want some Asian influences added in. Don't get me wrong, you can still enjoy Asian culture and not be Asian, but I think it'd fit with Selena a bit more if her mom was from Asia, Japan in this story, and her father is the British/European influence. It'll make some sense later if I go further into her backstory. Ah, but I realized that I was having Selena call, say, Francis 'aunt' or 'auntie' and that's something I do just as a sign of respect to my mother's friends. You call them aunt or uncle. Not by their first names or even last names unless it's a formal event. I mean now that I'm older I call some of my mom's friends by their first name, but I usually call them 'auntie' even if I know them by their first name. So... yeah! And because I added that into the story I figured it'd be a bit more fun to have Selena a mix. And here we are!

And this 'dinner' part of the story I wanted to come up with creative dishes. Asian dishes. Dishes I would personally make or would LOVE to eat. But let's just say Selena is actually a mixture of her father's European genes, which is probably mainly British and maybe a few other little things, and her mother's Asian genes, which is Japanese but could also be something else, too. I mean, it's the 21st century here. People can travel the entire globe in the span of hours and not months. And I wanted to add TWO particular Asians that I personally love from Black Butler ^-^. It's just a reason to do so.

OKAY! That's it!! I hope you guys ENJOY and I'll see you later!!!


Honestly, you were surprised that the Earl of Phantomhive, Mr. Ciel, still hasn't shown up to his townhouse. It's been, what, almost a month now? Close to two, even? Heck, you've seen the Midfords twice now, so what gives?!

You sighed as you sat at the dining table nestled in the Phantomhive townhouse, going over a letter you had received as you woke up, no doubt by Sebastian, you assume. A detailed two-page letter of excuses. Utter excuses. And while you're still a bit annoyed with your current situation, you're not... angry. Life could certainly be worse.

You could have ended up in the streets, or worse. Treated like an urchin or some whore. You may have never run into your relatives, and what about Cedric? There's so much that's happened, from sudden worries about prying eyes to sneaking into the reaper realm for a record, that happened to be yours. Yet still... you feel just as lost as when you started this entire endeavor. Just so... lost.

Should you bother looking for clues or should you enjoy this moment in time before it all disappears? Such a terrible dilemma.

But you just had to roll your eyes, once more, over the fact that, once again you've been invited to spend time at a 'party' with Lizzy, with the hopes that she'll run into Ciel. Seriously, does she know too much or is she just an overly friendly person? It's hard to tell because of her mother, but then again she acts like her father so... And it is that 'season' or whatever they were talking about.

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