Real me

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I open my eyes as I see the sunlight cascading through my room. I see Chloe was wide awake and now is looking at her phone.

"You awake?" My morning voice makes the blonde flinch a little.

"Yeah, I was up a few minutes ago." She replied while smiling at me. "I'm nervous."

"Of what?" I ask as my eyes were half open.

"Its been a long time since we perform, I'm afraid to mess up." She breathes out as she fiddle with the sheets.

I release a small smile, "you'll do great."

I see Chloe smiling while fixing her tousled hair. I smile at her and started to sit up whilst rubbing my eyes.

"Let's help the others to prepare breakfast then we could practice." Chloe said while standing up from her mattress.

"They've woke up?" I said while stepping onto the cold floor making me shiver.

"Yup, I heard them giggle just a while ago." Chloe said while opening my bedroom door. "Let's go."

I nod before catching up to her. We both got downstairs and saw the other two girls with eomma.

"Eomma, where's appa?" I ask while walking closer.

"At work, honey." She said while cutting some carrots.

I sigh as I took a seat at the stool near the kitchen counter and say, "he's always busy."

"Well, we gotta pay the bills." Eomma said while mixing in all the cutted carrots to the pot.

"Mrs. Song, I think we ran out of pepper. Should I go get it?" RC said while washing her hands at the sink.

"Uh,, there's an extra pack at the cupboard. Would you take it, sweetie?" Eomma ask while glancing at me. I stood up and make my way to the top cupboard at the edge and pull out a new packet of pepper. I handed it to RC and headed to the stool again.

"Aren't you going to school?" Eomma ask as she puts in some other seasoning to the large pot.

"It's Sunday." I said while rolling my eyes in disbelief.

"We would like to do a last practice after breakfast if its okay with you, Mrs.  Song." Emma said while taking a seat next to my left.

"It's fine with me. Just don't overwork yourselves." Eomma said while closing the pot with the lid and adjusting the fire.

"The soup will be ready in a few minutes. While you're waiting, Quinn could show you the park nearby." Eomma said while leaning to the kitchen counter in front of us.

"Sure, the park is really beautiful, we could take some pictures." I suggested.

"Okay, let's go then." Chloe said while stepping onto the floor.

We all got ready, I change my clothes into a black skater skirt and a white oversize tee. I tie my hair into a ponytail and when I finished, I got down stairs.

I see the others are ready and I quickly use my white sneakers. We got out of the house and I started to lead the way.


We all arrive at the park. There were flower beds along the street. Green fields and tall, shady trees who could make a good umbrella to avoid the sun.

"Uwaa,, it is pretty." Chloe said while running along the street. "Let's take some pictures!"

We all run to Chloe an took some pictures around the park. In the middle of searching another backround we hear a familiar song.

( Quinn as Jennie; Chloe as Rosé; Emma as Jisoo; RC as Lisa )

Don't know why but hearing the intro of the song we all got into places. We followed the music and dance with all of our hearts.

We never thought to get a crowd cheering for us. Slowly, the people increase and we all smile for the crowd.

We finished with nothing wrong and the crowd goes wild. Breathing heavily, we all bowed down and headed back home.

Luckily, our breakfast is done when we arrive. We quickly took our seats and started to dig in.


"5, 6, 7, 8!" I said while we all started dancing. Carol didn't came because she was too busy doing decorations at the school. The four of us focus on the music and hit every movements.

After we finished, we were panting hard and the dance studio smells like sweat. I took my water bottle and chugged it. We finally nailed the choreography and we could perform tomorrow.

"We did it!" Emma exclaimed while jumping up and down.

"Finally." RC said while plopping herself down on the floor.

"Let's head back. Its already 6:27 pm." Chloe said while looking at the clock on the wall.

"Sure." I said and started packing my stuff.

We all arrived at my house and now taking turns to go to the bathroom to take a shower. There are two bathrooms here. One at the first floor and one bathroom at the second floor.

RC and Emma is taking a shower leaving me and Chloe alone in my room.

"Q, may I ask you something?" Chloe said while sitting next to me at the edge of the bed.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. Chloe never ask permission to ask me a question so that creeps me a little.

"Where were you when we were at the beach arguing with BTS?" She asked, seriously. Her eyes looked straight into mine, making me scrunch my toes.

"Uuh,, I was...going to the restroom, yeah, I needed to pee." I explain while avoiding eye contact.

"With Taehyung?" She asked again making me gulp down my words.

'I'm finished.'

"I saw you went with Taehyung. You guys aren't doing something-"

"No! Stop thinking dirty. My brain couldn't handle it!" I said while scrunching my nose in disgust.

"Oh right, sorry! You're to pure to do those kind of stuffs." Chloe said while smiling at me. "It makes me wonder, do you ever watch porn before?"

My eyes widened and I close my ears, "no! Don't say that! Tha-that's gross."

"So,, what were you doing with Taehyung last night?"

"I,,I." I can't put up some words. Its like its in the tip of my tongue but it won't come out.

"Quinn? Are you hiding something from me?" Chloe eyes me suspiciously.

"No, I mean.."

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